Aphmau moved away from her friends, Skyarmy but soon found them again! But aphmau has boys fighting over her. But who will she pick? What ship will sail?
Beep, beep. Alarm, where the fuck is it? There, I slammed it and got up, 5am. I put on a black top, black jeans and a red jumper. I went and woke Ross up. He groaned and woke up, he put on his sloth hoodie max got him ages ago. And we got breakfast, we walked into the living room and saw aph sleeping on the couch. We ate quietly and I phoned a taxi, then I phoned the school, cause the open like at 6am and I explained what happens and how Ross and I will not be going today, they asked about the rest and I said yes, so I hung up and in time, the taxi arrived and we got in and went to the hospital I held Ross hand the whole journey. Ross was really quiet but i would too if something happened to Barney. My phone beeped, aphmau? I unlocked it and I read it, A: hey red, where u at? R: taking Ross to see max at the hospital. U no tell anyone k? A:k, but I need to tell u something. R:what spit it out! A: Barney is cheating on you R: what? No? Where's da proof? A:
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(A/n Sorry only art I could find and mine ain't dat good)
R: what....? A: sorry red. R:it's not the time, I will talk to you later. A: sorry, I am. R: stop, aphmau please I am hurt as it is.
I ended the chat, I turned to Ross and smiled, he tried to smile but then he cried. "I miss my max..." Ross said. "It is okay, max is a fighter he will be alright," I explained, I smiled at him, he smiled back. "Thanks red, for being here with me." Ross said. "Anything, for my bests mate!" I said Ross laughed, "God your so cringe it's cute!" Ross laughed. God his laugh is what I live for....wait what? I live for b--- no I don't no more. "Here boys, $10 please" the driver said. I paid and we got out, we stood in front of the hospital and walked in. We asked at the desk. "Hello, how may i help you?" The nurse at the desk asked. "We are looking for a Max, Mithzan max" i said. "Oh---" she started when Ross butted in, "is he okay?!??" Ross yelled, "Well max is----"
A/n and thats all for this chapter folks!!!anyway i know this chapters short but I have been a bit busy sssooooo anyway enjoy!!!