Hot Chocolate

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900+ reads what the actual fuck. Thank you so much. I appreciate all of the votes and the comments. They always make me smile. Thank you so much. Also chapter 3 of my Jalex/Stoley fanfic is up, y'all should check my profile. Anyway here's some short fluff to thank you all. 💜

Alex was alone in his room wearing a baggy pink sweater and his white boxers. School got cancelled today because of the storm. Outside Alex's moist window was an empty street and a gazillion droplets of rain pouring from the clouds.

He went back to his bed. The school cancelled the class late so Alex's body cells were awake already. Alex hated it when school do that. Why couldn't they cancel earlier. Alex wasn't exactly a morning type of person. He despised mornings.

His dad was out on some cop duty and his mom and brother got stucked at his cousins because of the storm so that meant no breakfast unless he would cook. Alex Standall couldn't cook.

His stared at his phone checking the time not even bothering to type his phone password. 6:07 AM. He was about to throw his phone on the bed when a text from an unknown number appeared. Alex open the door.

It must've been his dad or his mother. He quickly ran to the door, forgetting he was only wearing a sweater and a boxer. He opened the door and was greeted by a wet Justin Foley who was holding two cups of hot chocolates.

He was wet. He was smiling like a goofball. Who the fuck smiles in the morning? Alex thought.

"Probably everyone but you," Justin said. He was still smiling. He entered the house and took off his shoes and his jacket. "You said that out loud Idiot."

"Why are you here?" Alex closed the door. Justin was wearing a white shirt. Alex could see Justin's figure from the wetness of the shirt. He could feel the heat on his face. He could feel the heat on his whole body.

"Hot chocolate," Justin handed a cup to Alex. Alex took it with both of his hands and took a sip. He sighed heavenly, Alex loved hot chocolate. Justin walked up to Alex's room leaving the blonde boy drinking from the cup but before Justin could enter the room he shouted. "Nice boxers by the way."

Alex blushed a shade of pink forming on his pale cheeks. Kill me now please.

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