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Hello guys! Wow 13k reads Im fucking dead you guys are amazing OMG please forgive me for barely updating but laziness + writers block is a pain in the ass! I also uploaded a chapter of Homeless, my Stoley fanfic Id love it if you guys check it out. But here you go, Enjoy 💜🌈

College was a pain in the ass for Alex Standall. Not only did he felt alone and alien on his first days. The students were either aggresive and active or timid. Sadly, Alex Standall fell on the last category. He was invisible, no one knew him, he was the only one who doesnt have any friend to eat with during their free time.

So when Alex heard the news that Justin Foley would start going on his university he quickly contacted the jock, asking him if it was true. Rumor had it, they wanted him for the university's basketball team.

It was true and it turned out Justin needed a dorm to stay in. Alex hated going back at his dorm everyday, it made him feel alone. He doesnt have a roomate, students always came in pair and the room can only fit two people.

Alex asked Justin to stay at his dorm. He agreed. They had been sharing a room for a few months now. Alex's life became less lonely, his classes became almost bearable and he now had Justin to eat lunch with and to spend breaks with.

Alex had a night class to catch up with, he was failing it and he needed to attend a few classes to make up for his grades. He was daydreaming about a certain brunette. Alex wanted to go back to his dorm and sleep. He wanted to hear Justin Foley light snores that always helped him ease to sleep.

"Mister Standall, are you listening?" The teacher who was now looking down at Alex rolled her eyes. Alex hated her, he hated this subject but in order to pass he needed to play and act nice.

"Uh yes," Alex stammered. His face turned red from the attention he was getting, every student in the room was now looking at him. "Uh, Im sorry, just thinking about the project I had to do. Im sorry."

The teacher sighed and went back to her lesson, Alex breathed out finally feeling relieve. He was embarrassed, a teacher looking at him was a one thing but the whole class to put all of their attention on him was another.

Well atleast once this class is done, I'll be coming home to Justin Foley. Alex thought to himself.

The bell rung and before everyone could get out of the room. Alex was now standing, rushing out of the hell that was suffocating him. He made sure to not make any eye contact from anyone. He needed air.

His dorm was actually close to his univesity. It only took him a couple of minutes to finally get to the building. It was a decent one, 20 rooms, same sizes, two beds each room and two shower rooms for boys and girls.

He had a key but he knew Justin was already back and was still awake. Alex knocked three times before hearing a weird noise inside, as if someone stumbled and fell from the bed.

"Shit," Alex heard someone say inside, it was Justin. "Uh shit. Give me a few seconds Standall."

Alex knitted his eyebrows, thinking what was going on inside their room. Did he bring a girl? Alex thought. But they already talked about it, they both couldnt bring a girl or anyone because this room is a space for them to rest.

A few seconds passed and Justin Foley opened the door, he smiled goofily at Alex who only gave him a curious look.

"You brought a girl?" Alex said, looking serious, his arms were crossed on his chest.

Confusion hit Justin's face and then bursted out laughing. "Wait," He said trying his hard to talk through his laughs. "Wait. I didnt bring any girl, I would never break our rule Standall."

"Then what was those noise?" Alex asked, implying the noise Justin made before opening the door.

"We didn't have a no masturbation rule right Standall?" Justin winked at Alex before jumping back to his bed.

Alex noticed the erection poking inside Justin's boxers. He turned rose red, he bit his lips before going to his side of the room.

Alex quickly changed to his boxers and a plain white shirt. He lied down on his bed, he moaned when his back hit the bed. Finally. He needed some rest, after the tiring day from school, he just needed a good ass sleep because tomorrow would be another day of hell for Alex.

It had been a few minutes, both of them lying down on their seperate beds. Their breathing was the only form of noise in the quiet room. Alex couldnt find the right spot on his bed. He kept shifting and turning and it was starting to annoy him.

"You okay Standall?" Justin asked, his eyes were closed, both trying their best to sleep.

"Yeah. Just couldnt sleep." Alex admitted, hugging the extra pillow beside him.

"Want to sleep with me?" Justin said cooly. He scooted over on the side of the bed. "Here." Justin patted the empty side of his bed.

Alex found himself agreeing, he grabbed his pillow before jumping beside Justin. Alex felt more comfortable before feeling Justin Foley's arms around him.

"Oh," Justin smirked. "I cuddle when I sleep."

Alex felt the heat rise up from his cheek before letting Justin cuddle him up on his arms like a cocoon.

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