Chapter 1: Holden's Little Sister

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Chapter 1

Holden's Little Sister

I woke up with a pounding headache and a twist in my stomach. I groaned as I removed the blanket from my head and was greeted by the bright sun. I turned to my side to face away from the window and found my roommate, Sammy, sleeping peacefully. I clutched my throbbing head and tried to collect most of my memories from the night before. But, per usual as when I get wasted I couldn't recall. I didn't drink often, but when I did drink, I drank hard. I knew I shouldn't do it, but I needed an escape from reality even if it was for just one night.

I remembered leaving the party with a beer in my hand which is a good sign, because there wasn't a guy with me. I could live with knowing somehow I had gotten more to drink, but I made it home in one piece and most of my dignity. I recalled Darren's harsh words, but as badly as I wanted to hold a grudge against him I couldn't. He was just too god damn hot.

I shakily got up and changed into a new sweatshirt and jeans, I wondered for a moment if anyone would question me about my sweatshirt and as to why the hell I'd be wearing one in the middle of August. But, then I told myself no body would question it because no one cares.

I sighed and left the dorm quietly as to not disturb the peaceful sleep of Sammy. I walked toward a coffee shop I knew would be open this early on a Saturday morning, but as I begun to walk in I quickly turned around as I saw two too familiar faces. I didn't want to bother them with my presence, but they saw me way too fast.

"Emily! Over here!" The brunette shouted while waving her hand over. I gave a small smile and walked over.

"Hey Lauren," I whispered then nodded, "Hey Jamie."

"What are you up to?" Jamie asked while sipping from her cup. I shrugged unable to focus. Lauren's hair was perfectly straightened and her perfect straight white teeth were shining in the light as she smiled. I could never be as beautiful as she was.

"You okay?" Jamie asked pulling me back to the conversation.

"Huh?" I glanced at her then gave an awkward chuckle, "Oh yeah. I'm good, just getting coffee."

"You seem a bit out of it," Jamie said and Lauren nodded in agreement.

Shit, I thought, can they tell? Can they see how broken I am?

"I just have a terrible hangover is all," I whispered thinking that won't get them off my back, but then they erupted in laughter. Oh, I guess they can't see through shit.

"Been there done that," Lauren laughed then checked down at her phone, "Shit. We're late." I didn't speak as I watched them get up. Lauren glanced at me.

"You coming to rehearsal?" I looked her over confused.

"No..." l trailed off a little shocked that she had asked, "Why would I?"

"Uh, cause you're Brian's little sister!" Jaime spoke as if that was all I was. That's all I could ever be in their eyes. Brian's Little Sister. It was as if it was branded on my forehead.

"I'm not really needed," I said looking down at the table and for a moment my pounding head wasn't the only thing that hurt, so did my heart as it fell to the bottom of my stomach.

"Don't say that!" Lauren said tugging my arm making me jolt up. "Come on!" And she pulled me along and for a second I did feel needed. But, that disappeared quickly as Lauren let go of her tight grip on my arm and skipped ahead of us. Jaime laughed at her and I wished I could laugh as well, but happiness couldn't reach me. I was too far gone. My head hurt too much for me to think, so, like a lifeless zombie, I trailed behind the two happy girls, whom I wished I could call my friends. We weren't friends though, how could we be? My brother was friends with them, not me.

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