Chapter 41: Peaceful Daze

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Chapter 41

Peaceful Daze

I didn't have a clue how much I liked Joey until we started "dating" or whatever it was we were doing. I snuggled up closer to him during a movie and though we had cuddled a million times before this was different, because we weren't just friends. I wanted to kiss him again, but I decided that it was best to try this as very close friends; because the closer we got the harder it was for me to hide our relationship.

            "Should we tell people soon?" I asked keeping my head on his chest. I felt Joey swallow and I knew that he didn't want to just yet. "Nevermind," I spoke before he had to say something, I didn't want him to agree just because he thought I wanted to, "It's only been a few days. I don't think we're ready yet." He nodded and kissed the top of my head.

            "We'll get there Ems, I'm just worried how Brian will react. I think I'll have to start laying down hints with him," Joey joked, but it was actually a good idea.

            "Do that and I will too." He gave me a curious look. "This way we'll ease him into it," I explained. He nodded to me for agreement. I heard the front door open and I pulled myself off of Joey just incase anyone decided to walk into his room, but Joey pulled me back down and kept a tight grip on me.

            "Joey!" I giggled, "Let me go!" He grinned at me.

            "Nope," he popped the 'p' letting me know he was being playful, "You're all mine."

            I struggled in the grip and just as I had feared the door was thrown open. Thankfully it was just Joe.

            "Walker! Help me!" I groaned as I tried to escape. Joe laughed at me and didn't come to my aid as Joey kept me against his chest.

            "Brian wanted to talk to Emily, but I guess I'll tell him that you're busy," Walker chuckled and turned around, but Joey let go of my grip so I could join them.

            "How'd he know that I was here?" I asked Joe with a confused look.

"Cause you're always here," he shrugged. 

Joe left us to be alone and it was then I noticed Brian was slightly annoyed.

            "What's wrong?" I asked while secretly thinking, shit he found out about me and Joey.

            "Sammy," he groaned and rolled his eyes, "Can you like talk to her?"

            I gave a small laugh at my brother, "Why? Are you planning on breaking up with her?"

He groaned once more then said, "I don't know." I felt slightly bad at him for not knowing what to do, but I was also grateful, because maybe when they broke up Sammy would go back to spending time with me.

"Well, I'm not going to do it for you, just saying." I gestured dramatically with my hands to make sure he got the point. He sighed.

"I know. It's just so frustrating. Because I liked her a lot in the beginning, but now that I actually know her she's so..."

For lack of a better word I finished his sentence by saying, "Annoying." He nodded in agreement with me and I gave him a small smile.

"You need to find someone where you get to know them and they become this whole new person who is beautiful, and wonderful, and just extraordinary." I looked away from Brian to think about Joey and how great he was and how that happened to me. It's like you learn all these great things about the person and piece by piece these great things become the image of them in your mind. And they're beautiful.

"Yeah, I do," Brian seemed to be lost in thought as well. I decided that I could lay down the hints now.

"It's like when I first met Joey he was boring, but now he's not so...boring," I shrugged and kept my voice nonchalant. Brian didn't even notice the hint, instead he just nodded. I wanted to try and talk up Meredith as I recalled her crush on him, but I decided now wasn't the best time to do so, he was obviously very distracted.

I checked the time to notice it was getting rather late and I needed to go back to my dorm to finish my homework due for my Friday class the next day.

"I'm going to get going, good luck bro," I said giving him a nudge to hopefully cheer him up. He gave me a weak smile and looked up for a moment then turned back to the ground deep in thought.

I returned to my dorm to see Sammy on her bed grinning without a clue what Brian was thinking. I felt bad for her, I was her one time. But, what was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to tell her that her heart was about to be broken? I wouldn't have wanted to know. I would have wanted to continue to live in a peaceful daze without a worry in the world. Though I said that I wished someone had warned me about Azazel and him not actually liking me, I didn't mean it, because it would have ruined all the fun I had. Though it probably would have saved me some pain, sometimes it's better to hold onto happiness for as long as possible.

Because you never know when it's going to fade.

And my happiness, just like Sammy's, was going to fade soon.



Hey guys!

So I just thought I'd tell you guys I have a YouTube account lol it's zoeytheawesome (all one word) and I do really stupid tutorials.
It's supposed to be like a comedy account and how I act in the videos are NOT how I act in real life but if you want to check it out (and hopefully laugh) please do! I greatly appreciate it. I am trying to post a new video every Thursday. Which means yes, a new one is coming today. Lol.

Here's one of my videos:

It's a bit longer than the others but again it's meant as comedy and it's poor quality because well I'm not a fancy YouTuber (yet)

Well enough about me.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because
Emily and Joey are finally (kinda) a thing. 😏😄

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