year two; of mudbloods and ripped pages

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"Why do I have to go? Can't I just meet you after?"

"No, Draco. I have business to do in Borgin and Burkes, I want you to come along." Without another word, he grabbed Draco's shoulder and led him to the fireplace. 

The shop was dark and eerie, with brooding trinkets scattered about. Draco paused to reach out for a glass eye on display.

"Touch nothing, Draco," his father instructed without looking back at him.

Draco sighed, annoyed. "Why again do I have to be here?" He asked, and without waiting for a response: "And I thought you were going to buy me a present."

"I said I would buy you a racing broom," came the reply, accompanied with drumming fingers as he waited for the shopkeeper, Mr. Borgin.

Draco browsed the shop some more, finding particular interest in a life-like hand sliced just above the wrist sitting on a cushion.

"Mr Malfoy, what a pleasure to see you again." Draco continued to graze the dark objects, not interested in whatever business his father had.

Through their conversation, Mr. Borgin noticed Draco regarding the Hand of Glory, as the plaque labeled it. "Insert a candle and it gives light to only the holder!" He explained. "Best friend of thieves and plunderers – your son has fine taste, sir."

"I hope my son will amount to more than a thief or a plunderer, Borgin." His father drawled before fixing his gaze on the subject. "Though if his school marks don't pick up, that may indeed be all he is fit for."

This certainly wasn't his fault, and once again he tried to make this clear. "The teachers all pick favourites, and that Hermione Granger–"

"I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizard family beat you in every exam," he interrupted. This argument was already getting old, and he still had six more years to go.

The two men's business resumed and after his father did what he had to – for whatever reason he wanted Draco there, he was still unsure – they went to Florish and Blotts for his school books. There was a long line just to get into the store. The two of them pushed through the crowd of mostly middle aged witches. "Malfoy's don't wait in line."

Upon entering they separated, Draco going off to find his school books and his father another errand. Draco, while scanning different books he knew he did not need, came across a particular page that grabbed his attention in a guidebook of beasts.

Of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our land, there is none more curious or more deadly than the Basilisk, known also as the King of Serpents. The snake, which may reach gigantic size, and live many hundreds of years-

His gaze flicked from the book when a Harry Potter was pulled to stand next to the famous author as he proceeded to make an announcement that he did not care to listen to.

Annoyed, Draco shut the book, collected the stack of the school books he had found and went to make his purchase.

With his new books in hand, he went to look for his father, figuring he must have found what he was looking for now, only to find exactly what he had been hoping not to.

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