year five; of offices and remorse

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"I want to know why you are in my office," Umbridge shook Potter's head as Draco returned to the window, two additional wands in his possession. There was no wand pointed at the burglar, but Draco didn't think that would hold out for very long.

Potter said he was retrieving his Firebolt. Umbridge called him a liar, slamming him onto the desk. Draco leant against the window sill, casual, collected. A Malfoy is always in control. He plastered a smirk on his face. He tossed Potter's wand in the air.

There was more commotion outside and after a moment the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad entered, captive in their grip the rest of the Golden Crew and Associates. Crabbe had Longbottom by his neck, practically strangling him and the Weasley girl wouldn't stop fighting, he was shocked she was still detained. He almost dropped his smirk, eyes landing back on Hermione's.

"Got 'em all," one of them said proudly, shoving Weasley forward.

"Good, good. Well, it looks as though Hogwarts will shortly be a Weasley-free zone, doesn't it." Draco missed his cue, laughing half-a-second too late but Umbridge didn't seem to notice when she turned her wide smile to him and lowered herself into her armchair. She began explaining how she knew where they were but Draco didn't care to listen, resorting to attempting communication with Hermione through their eyes. It didn't work very well.

"Clearly it was very important for you to talk to somebody. Was it Albus Dumbledore?" Umbridge was saying. Merlin, he hated her voice. "Or the half-breed, Hagrid? I doubt it was Minerva McGonagall, I hear she is still too ill to talk to anyone.."

Of course, Draco laughed and snickered at all the right places.

"It's none of your business who I talk to," Potter spat, clearly not understanding that it in fact was her business, seeing as he had snuck into her office against the rules.

She sat up straighter and tensed, voice turning sweeter, more dangerous. "Very well. Very well Mr. Potter. I offered you the chance to tell me freely. You refused. I have no alternative but to force you. Draco," his eyes snapped away from Hermione. "Fetch Professor Snape."

Tucking both additional wands into his robe pocket with a smirk, Draco almost winked at Hermione as he exited the room. Would Snape know what to do, could he help them?

Far enough away from the door so they couldn't hear his footsteps, he sped to a run. He would give Snape the facts. Umbridge had the Gryffindor's in her office, ordering the Inquisitorial Squad to physically restrain them and take their wands. She wants to force them to speak. She almost sliced Potter's neck and slammed him to her desk. He would leave that last part out. The facts, he repeated to himself as he lowered to the potions classroom. He would be neutral, not give anything away to his Head of House.

It didn't exactly go as planned. He knocked and bust into the room, voice – and probably his face, too – frantic as he recounted the situation. Snape just looked at him, and after a moment he added, "She asked me to retrieve you."

He stood with a furl of his cape and strode towards Draco, fearful he was going to shun him for showing such emotion and siding against her, until he realized he was in front of the door. He got out of the way and the two hurried to Umbridge's office.

Snape paused before the door, as if collecting himself, and Draco opened it for him. "You wanted to see me, Headmistress?" he drawled, taking in the scene before him.

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