year six; of rooms and requirement

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"Draco," Hermione mumbled later as they sat in the library, not wanting to disturb the soft atmosphere. After working on the cabinet, the couple had retreated to their edge of reality in the library, Hermione leaning against Draco's chest, heads together. "Do you ever think about our future?"

"What, you not sure if you want to marry me?" His voice was soft as he teased her, but his heart couldn't help to beat faster at those words.

"No, not that, it's just... I mean... I don't know."

"Tell me." His words reassuring.

She took a breath, trying to piece her thoughts to words. "Okay," she decided. "You know how in a relationship, for it to last and succeed you need to be able to work well with them, in almost every aspect; establish your relationship on a mental and emotional level? We've been together almost every day for the past five years, of course with the exception of summers, and have done that very well – unintentionally, of course."

"We are pretty great, aren't we," Draco speculated behind her.

Hermione laughed. "Well, I think it's also important to establish character, you know? Like... who you are without them, independently. And who you are together, but not alone." She turned to face him, desperation seeping through her eyes for him to know she wasn't pushing him away. "We don't know how we are together with our friends. It's only ever been the two of us. I don't know, I'm just... A relationship works well if the two are good together, but I think it would be exceptionally stronger if we had a support system, people to be around. Does that make sense?"

He paused to think. "So you're saying you don't want to get married after we graduate," he concluded.

"Not right away." Hermione nestled back into him. "I think we should try to live apart for a while before we do. Obviously we would still see each other, and we should also use that time to be with our friends together."

"So would you move back in with your parents then?"

"Maybe for the first bit, while I find a flat. I want to try living by myself. But of course you would always be welcome." He could hear the smile in her voice. "What about you?"

"I don't think I could last very long at the manor with my parents. Every year it's been getting progressively worse... I don't know if he'll be gone by then or what will happen, but if all is well I still don't think I'd stay with them long." He twirled a piece of her pair. "Besides, I'm not so sure they would be too happy if you came over frequently, and it would be quite awkward."

They sat in silence for a while before Hermione spoke in a low whisper. "Do you think they'll disown you?" She couldn't bear the thought of being the reason he was removed from his family. His parents weren't the best, but he was still a Malfoy. He would be devastated to lose all that – especially his mother.

"I don't know, Hermione. Maybe if the Dark Lord is gone by then, they'll be forced to change their beliefs. Honestly, I think at best, they'll begrudgingly accept it. Eventually."

They were silent again. Hermione let her eyes close.

"Do you ever think about us if we could be a normal couple?" Draco noticed her voice getting heavier with fatigue.

"All the time."

Oh, how he wished he could do what he wanted, be with Hermione when he wanted. If he could have that – if he could have a normal life – he wouldn't have to pretend so much. Not only regarding his relationship, but himself too. He wouldn't have to pretend he was fine, that he wasn't tired, emotionally exhausted from the fears that keeps him up at night. He wouldn't have to pretend that he wasn't filled with shame for what was on his arm, and full of a dreading terror when he thought of the monster residing in his home. If only he didn't have to wear his mask so often. 

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