Working Together(17)

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Uh it feels so good to be back

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Uh it feels so good to be back. Those kids were holding me hostage for a while. Today I'm doing a few things. First a early heels private class my favorite the one on one connection is always amazing. Most woman I get do private as a confidence booster or maybe for training.

Next some meeting with someone oversea. They are coming all the way from Korea just to meet with little ole me. I'm hoping its something where I need to go there I've always wanted to travel the world.

Lastly sexy daddy aka my husband and I are getting in front of the camera again. We are Atlantas number one magazine "IT" power couple of the month.

As I'm stretching Bre the receptionist and my private student walks in. She had a real shy type vibe coming from her. "First Lady someone is here for you."

"Thanks bre. Hi beautiful!"

"Hi thanks for taking me on." She smiled. "Rachel."

"Right so before we start I wanna get you stretched out and help you get comfortable."

She set her things down. We start on the legs sitting legs open touching our toes. I start up a small conversation.

"How did you find out about these private classes?"

"Well don't get creeped out but I watch all your videos on the SWIZZ website so one day I was just browsing your page and came across the sign up page." She smiled shrugging.

"So tell me what you want to get from this class."

"Well I'm going through a break up...we were high school gone college sweethearts. Some time after the first semester things got weird and we became distant. He was my world but I wasn't his." She said following my next move. "I just want to feel beautiful and confident again. It feels like he took my heart when he left."

"Ok first I'm sorry you have to experience that feeling so young. Would it be to much to know why you guys broke up?"

"No uh...he said he wanted something different."

"So are you doing this to get him back?"

"No no I wanna improve for myself because one day I'll meet the man who won't do me wrong and treat me like the black queen I am. This private class is a start for my confidence I watch all your videos and the heel ones are my favorite. Everyone always looks so care free...I want that."

See why these are my favorite.

"I'm glad you came to me for that. Dance is my go to when I need a boost when I'm down anything really. So we are about to bring out that inner diva your own Sasha fierce. My diva name is Storm."

Part 2 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now