Big Trouble(21)

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In class today it was almost the last straw

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In class today it was almost the last straw. Not only am I dealing with Mona and her bullying both here and home but now Clare is back at it. All through out class she was whispering about me and throwing paper balls at my head. Soon as the bell rung I was out of there.

This girl is that one nerve that is always picking at me constantly. Her hatred for me is clear self influenced whatever it is about herself she needs to help for. I've just about had it and can just feel my breaking point approaching.

At my locker I kept my breathing slow to keep myself from crying. Sometimes I hate how emotional I can get but I'd rather cry it out than bottle it all up and become a bitter Clare.

"Hey crack baby guess what got leaked to the school. I never knew you could belly dance."

No no no no please god no! I kept my head down biting my lip while her and some random girls egged and taunt me to dance for them.

"Leave her alone!" I jumped at the deep voice. A hand came onto my hip. "It takes a real jealous batch of hoes to pile up on one person. You ok pookie?"

"No." I whispered. He kissed my head closing my locker. "Come on I'll walk you to lunch."

"Oh so it's Prince Charming to the rescue huh?! I warned you before to stay your damage brain ass away from him."

My body went flying to the floor. I landed on my wrist letting out a yell.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Don't go putting those dick grabbers on my girl again!"

I moved against the lockers holding my hand. Looking up through my hair Julian came moving it. "M-my wrist-"

"I'll take you to the nurse." He helped me stand.

Students were watching like they didn't have classes to get to soon. Just what I need more attention on me. As we're walking Mona came out the girls bathroom. Her face frowned seeing me.

"What happen?"

"That bitch put her hands on Stanley she fell on her wrist."

Looking behind Clare was still laughing. "Clare why did you push her?"

"Since when is it a problem to pick on junkie fever?"

"Talking about her is different from putting hands on her. Don't do that again."

"Why do you care!?"

Part 2 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now