Clarissa Fairchild, Kick Ass Shadowhunter

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I'm back.

I have to find my little girl and to do that I have to be professional, so here I am. I told Jace to gather the troops, meaning tell Alec and Izzy to get ready, and invite Magnus just in case.
its been a while since I've worn the thick leather gear, and I cant say ive missed it because it really isn't that comfortable, its thick and heavy and if you aren't careful it can rub, but hey ho.

next stop the weapons room, I pick up some seraph blades and attach them to my belt and then a couple of daggers for good measure, some on display and some hidden for a kind of just in case I need them thing. throwing daggers is something you cant forget right, like riding a bike? I hope so because if not this could go horrible wrong.

I meet the others in the Library and theyre all waiting for me, I guess I'm not as good at the whole quick change thing anymore. Everyone is ready for whatever comes our way. Alec is stood tall with his bow and arrow, ready for anything. Izzy had a seraph blade and her famous whip and I have to say I wouldn't want to mess with her and Jace, well Jace appears to be carrying enough weapons for a small army. Good, we're going to get her back.

Alec speaks up first, "Magnus is outside making a portal but none of us know where we're going so you may have to do the thinking for us. in my opinion we should go to your place first and get something that belongs to your daughter so that we can track her. after that we will go to where she was taken from, its her last know whereabouts to us so the connection to track her should be stronger from there. hopefully she's not far and she's fine, if not, we're ready for war."
"thank you Alec," I reply, I'm not really sure what to day and the more I hear them speaking about Tessa like this (using words like 'last known whereabouts and taken) makes the whole Clarissa Fairchild, Kick-Ass Shadowhunter façade fade. but I have to stay strong. be strong for her. and suddenly I'm back and ready to do whatever it takes to get her back.


after stepping through the portal we're all stood in my tiny apartment at the other side of china town and I pick up a necklace that I gave her when she was one. its and angel, just a small angel that I put runes on to protect her. she used to wear it everyday, she loved it, but she had to stop wearing It when the clasp broke a couple of days ago.
"I meant to get it fixed, I really was going to get it fixed. I should have gotten it fixed because i was meant to be protecting her, the necklace was meant to protect her when i couldn't but i didn't get it fixed. its my fault. its all my fault."

"its not your fault, you cant be looking everywhere all at once, the important thing is that we are going to get her back, ok?"
Alec chimed in next, "we'll get her back, but first we need to know, where did you see her last?"
"umm, in central park, she was playing right by the pond. she loves it there, thinks its magic. She likes to write stories, they're quite good for a 5 year old. its her favourite place to go because she says the tree's talk to her."
"the tree's talk to her?" Jace replied with a puzzled look on his face, suddenly the confusion was wiped from his face and concern took its place.
"what? whats going on? what do you know?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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