Chapter 1

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2 Days Before Jedi Come to Tatoonie


The palace was dead quiet which was unusual here in Jabba's. I was making my way to Gurdulla who had called me up. You may be wondering who I am. I am Anna Skywalker twin to Anakin Skywalker. My mother and twin were lost in a bet to Watto. I wasn't bet off and I've been the longest known slave to stay alive here in the palace. I get weird dreams that do become real, I have learned to trust them and I'm always right.

I was dressed in a short blue green shirt that showed my stomach and a black skirt that reached my mid thigh. My hair was put up in a elegant braid with a gold ribbon laced in. I reached the main hall and Gurdulla was there waiting. I walked in and gave her a courtesy.

(Bold is the Huttese language.)

"Did you call for me?" I asked Gurdulla.

"Anna serve me well you have." Gurdulla said and paused. I got scared what if they are going to kill me, "That's why I am letting you go free. Anna Skywalker as of this day you are free." Gurdulla said.

I was shocked at first and then I gave her a huge smile, "Thank you Gurdulla. I really appreciate this. When can I go home?" I asked her.

"Today Anna go gather your things. I have the speeder that you built years ago brought out." Gurdulla said and left.

I ran out from the main room and into my chamber. I didn't have lots of things but I had little expensive things Gurdulla gave me as gifts. I packed them all up and walked out to the front. I saw my speeder there with some more gifts. I got in the speeder and raced down to Mos Eisley. It was about afternoon when I got home. I walked to the door with my things and knocked. I waited and my mother opened the door.

"Mom!" I said as I dropped everything and hugged her. She laughed and hugged me back. I heard someone run up.

"Anna your back! For how long?" I heard my brother ask.

I looked at them and smiled, "I was set free." I said. My mother looked happy for me and didn't hide it. She started to cry a bit but I knew they were tears of happiness. My brother helped me take my things to my room. I walked to my room leading the way and saw that it was just how I left it. No one really seemed to have come into my room while I was gone. I put all my little things away or up on one of the shelves I have. My room was technically a guest room for five people. I took it because it was big and we really don't get guests. Mom told me to get some rest while she made dinner. I sat down on the floor and tried to look for a new sign as to what the dream from the night before meant.

The dream was of me and two people standing in a room that out looked a city with people sitting in some chairs. I saw lots of different faces but I didn't know who they were. Before it went to the faces I saw a planet and there where ships blocking it's space. I saw a young teenage girl and I knew she was a queen. The planet reminded me of Naboo, that is most likely the planet she is from. The longer I looked into the dream the more I saw that we were tied to it. I saw a Nabooian class ship land in the outskirts of a town. Many other things flashed though my closed eyes but sadly mother called me out for dinner.

Dinner was lively and at the same time dull. I was so used to having dinner with many others around and some getting killed. Yet again this is not Jabba's palace and that part of my life is over. Never again would I have to worry about being attacked or something.

That night I saw lots of death and at the same time freedom. I saw that the ship landed here just outside of Mos Eisley. I also saw that they were brought here. I didn't see who brought them here but we left with them. I concentrated on the male I was behind of and saw he had a laser sword.

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