Chapter 5

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After finishing on installing the hyperdrive I was in the bridge of the ship and Obi- Wan was asking me twenty questions. They all ranged from my favorite thing to do and if I had been a slave. I answered all of them quickly almost as if I was with Kanji who loves doing that with me. At some point and time I was getting a bad feeling from something that came from outside. It was dark and scary but at the same time I was drawn to it. Only because I wanted to find out what it was. It also had been bugging me for quite some time.

I heard something coming form outside so I stood and looked out to the window. I saw Anni running over so I went to him, "An, Qui- Gon's in trouble." Anni said. The captain heard and he took us back to Obi- Wan. The captain repeated what Anni said to Obi- Wan.

"Take off. Over there, fly low." Obi- Wan ordered. The pilot did as told and Qui- Gon jumped in. They closed the hatch and Obi- Wan, Anni, and I made our way to Qui- Gon.

"Are you alright?" Anni asked.

"I think so." Qui- Gon answered.

"What was it?" Obi- Wan asked him.

"I'm not sure, but it was well trained in the Jedi arts. My guess is it was after the queen." Qui- Gon said.

"What are we going to do about it?" I asked. Obi- Wan glanced at me and then back to Qui- Gon.

"We shall be patient. Anakin Skywalker meet Obi- Wan Kenobi. I'm guessing Anna and Obi- Wan already know each other." Qui- Gon said I nodded confirming his guess.

"Hi." Anni said. Obi- Wan nodded his head, "Your a Jedi too?" Obi- Wan nodded again, "Pleased to meet you." Obi- Wan smiled and Qui- Gon chuckled at Anni. I smiled at my brother. Sometimes I seem like the oldest considering I act more mature, but yet again girls are much more mature than boys (No offense to the guys. I am immature because I pull so many pranks on people).

Night came and I fell asleep close to Anni when I felt something being draped over me. I ignored it and I started to hear that my brother was still shiver after he stopped talking to who ever he was talking to. I opened my eyes and saw we were yet again alone, "Anni are you cold?" I asked him and looked at him. He nodded so I reached for my bag and gave him the warm blanket. He took it and wrapped it around himself. I saw he now had a red and a blue blanket wrapped around himself. I looked down at what I had been covered with and saw that I had a brown cloak over me. It looked like Obi- Wan's but Qui- Gon could have changed his cloak.

Morning came and I found Obi- Wan asleep on a chair close to me. I got up and draped the cloak over him and walked out with Anni. We ended up in the pilots cockpit just as we started to go into the planets atmosphere.

"Courscant. The entire planet is one big city. There's Chancellor Velorum's shuttle, and look over there Senator Palpatine is waiting for us." The pilot said as we started to descend and land. Before we fully landed Qui- Gon told Anakin and me to follow him. I saw Obi- Wan and I went over and thanked him about the cloak. They opened the hatch and I followed behind Obi- Wan and Qui- Gon with Anni next to me. They bowed and I curtsied, we moved out the queen's way. I am also pretty sure she's not even the real queen. I think she's a decoy and the queen is one of the hand maids. They started to walk and Obi- Wan tapped my shoulder and shooed me the way Anni was going. Anni stopped and so I dragged him with me by telling him that we had to go with Padme. We got on a big speeder and we sat in front with the driver. I looked at the buttons on it and it looked just like mine. Talking about speeder's I am pretty sure mom is going to sell mine.

We were in a building which I am pretty sure is a senator office. We were sitting outside of the office when Anni decided to pull and Jar- Jar else where away from the doors to the office. While hanging out with Anni around the so called waiting room in the Senate building, I sensed someone talking about us. I was pulled into a meeting in a circular room. Couldn't make out the words but I heard to bring them before us.

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