Loves Me -chapter 1

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I had just walked out of the airport down the stairs and out the doors, I really didn't want to see anyone not even Robyn right now but I didn't have a choice. I needed to get back to the hospital to pick my things up and Robyn was my ride.

"How'd it go, max ?" Robyn asked not trying to hurt me but the question she asked felt like someone had stabbed me repeatedly through the heart.
"Fine" I said and she sat there for a moment wondering what I meant by fine
"I'll just get us back then you can tell me" Robyn said making me hurt more.
"K" I said sitting back and pulling my phone out my pocket.

I read all my texts not really knowing what I was looking for, just then we pulled up outside the ed. I couldn't face people not now.

"Can you go fetch my bag out of the staff room, please ?" I said to Robyn who still was unsure what happened at the airport
"Sure" she said as she could practically see the desperation in my eyes.

I waited and waited and waited some more I bet it was half an hour I was stood outside, I saw Ian and Dixie pull up with a patient and wheel the patient into the ed on a bed. The girl on the bed was about 14 she looked really hurt and scared, just how I felt right now. Standing outside waiting for Robyn was boring so I had a cigarette and before I knew it I was stood where me and Zoe first met.

"Stop it" Robyn said walking up behind me and scaring the hell out of me
"Stop what ?" I asked indicating I didn't know what she was talking about
"Thinking about her, zoe" Robyn said it was really weird how she knew what I was thinking
" I wasn't " I told her, lying to my step sister about the wife I love and had lost.
" I know you max, too well" Robyn shouted across the car park as I walked around the corner to the bus stop.

I walked to the bus stop with my holdall in my hand then my phone vibrated in my small front pocket of my jeans which were soaking wet because of all the rain. The rain got heavier and heavier as I walked further into the almost pitch black night. When I approached the bus stop I pulled my phone out of my pocket it took a while but I got it out eventually. I entered my password to open my phone I had three texts one from robyn, one from lofty and one from Zoe.
I opened Robyn's first as I imagined she was telling me to forget about Zoe so I instantly disregarded it. Lofty was asking me about everything here, I saved it for later as I was extremely interested in what Zoe had to say. Finally I opened the text from Zoe and it wasn't what I expected at all.

" Max, you know I love you" said Zoe's text and it made me smile like she always used to.

End of chapter 1
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