I'm Leaving - Chapter 2

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I had just read the text from Zoe, it had stopped me in my tracks I got off the bus and walked the short path to the house I shared with my step sister.
Robyn was still at the hospital her shift hadn't finished quite yet but I thought I might wait for her to come home before I left holby  for good. I waited for about an hour, watched a bit of tv, drank a few beers and I had my bag all packed and ready to go.
"Max ? Max ?" Robyn shouted from the hallway.
"In here" I announced and waited for her to walk in and shout at me for moping about zoe.
"Are you...I mean why weren't you in the pub ?" Robyn asked she walked in and saw my guitar case and holdall packed with all my stuff.
"Robyn, I have to ...." I said before she cut me off
"NO YOU CANT LEAVE" She shouted at me and I felt like a little child
"Robyn I have to leave, I still love her"  I said and instantly she could tell I was serious and tears began to fall from her face.
"I know b-b-bbut you'll be back right" Robyn said with sadness and disappointment in her face.
"I don't know, maybe"   I said I felt bad for leaving Robyn in the lurch but at the same time I was excited to see zoe, my wife.
" Max please, come back yeah ?" She asked as I picked up my luggage and guitar case and headed for the door. I turned around and looked at the hallway in the house I shared with my step sister for 2 years. It looked smaller somehow.

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