Has zoe moved on ?- Chapter 4

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I had been walking for ages and ages getting every little bit of information off the staff at holby, everything and anything I could squeeze out of them, I had to find my wife. I knew zoe had been communicating with Dylan more than anyone so he was my main man although I had the feeling he either didn't want to talk to me or zoe told him not to tell me anything. I finally found out that she had gotten a job at a private hospital in Michigan with non other than Dr Nick Jordan, a man who had previously won my wife's heart before we had even met.
I began to walk up the path when I saw zoe and a older gentleman walk out so I hid away behind a wall, just until I knew who I was dealing with, when they left I walked up the pathway and entered the building all the time sending pictures to Robyn showing her what was happening.
I walked up the reception desk and found myself in a bit of a pickle what would I say ?
"Excuse me, is Dr zoe walker in ?" I asked in my best American accent an hoped that she was using her married name.
"Sorry, we don't have a doctor by that name" said the young lady who looked puzzled at the name I gave her.
"Errm.. sorry, I meant Dr Zoe Hanna" I said hoping Zoe hadn't put a photo of me behind the desk and told them not to tell me anything.
"She is out right now but can I give her a message ?" She asked sounding quite professional I almost forgot why I was there.
"Oh did she just leave" I said sounding disappointed that I had missed her.
"Yes sir, can I take a message ?" She asked again sounding a little impatient this time.
" I think I saw her leave, do you know the other dr's name ?" I asked and she looked a little pissed now
"That was Dr nick Jordan sir, do you want to leave a message ?" She said sounding even more impatient than before
"No I'm sorry for wasting your time" I said which probably made her more angry but then I decided to leave before they called security on me.

I walked out the doors and over the road in the same direction I saw zoe and nick walk in, after a couple of minutes walking I ended up in a park and that is where I saw it. Had Zoe moved on already ?
Had she gone back to her ex ?
They looked so comfortable sitting on a bench with their lunch practically hugging so I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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