Michigan - Chapter 3

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I arrived in Michigan, a city where I was unfamiliar with my surroundings and the people on the streets. All I wanted right now was zoe, I wanted her and I sensed she wanted me too.
All I had to do now was find her.
I walked out of the airport, hailed a cab to the city centre, walked into a bar/restaurant and brought a double whiskey with my savings I had exchanged for this trip.

"Hello sir, what can I get you ?" Asked the bartender
"Double whiskey and an apartment if you know where one is going" I said waiting for him to fetch my drink so I could pay.
Shortly after the bartender served me an older gentleman stood behind the bar came over with an offer.

"Are you looking for an apartment ?"  The older gentleman asked me, he must have over heard me talking to the bartender .
"Yeah, I am as it happens" I said not sure why he was asking
"Well I have an apartment available just above this restaurant" he said smiling at me.
"Well that's convenient"  I said feeling really good that I had already most likely found a place.
"How long would you be staying ?"  He asked me but I really didn't know the answer, I suppose I could have said as long as it takes me to find my wife but that wouldn't have sounded good.

I finished my drink and the elder man showed me the way to the apartment, it was brilliant not very big but it was just what I needed til I found zoe.
I text Robyn as she had been blowing up my phone with texts since I landed then again so had lofty and he didn't even know what was happening the only explanation was that Robyn had told him.

" Max are you safe ?" The text from Robyn said
" No the plane exploded and I'm texting you from the morgue"  I jokingly text her.
"I hate you" She text back but I knew she was worried really she always was.

I walked through the apartment and unpacked everything, then I went for a wander, I walked around and  visited every hospital.

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