All Was Cresswell

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"So how are we gonna find this guy? We're muggle borns, we can't exactly just go out and ask people where we can find our other muggle born friend so we can all go and run off with some goblins!" laughed Dean.

"Ah, good question."

They sat in quiet contemplation, the soft sound of Andromeda's distant humming filling the tension. Suddenly, creativity struck and Ted snapped his head up.

"Bill Weasley!" he exclaimed.

"Uh, Ron's brother?" Dean wondered whether Ted was completely sane, he was quite old after all.

"Yes, Ron's brother. Member of the Order of the Phoenix, son of a ministry official, worked at Gringotts for a while!" Ted looked like he'd just had a major breakthrough but Dean still felt like he was missing something.

"So... what does Bill have to do with finding my dad?"

"Dirk Cresswell worked at Gringotts for most of his life. He must've been there at the same time as Bill!" And then Dean understood. He sat bolt upright with elation at this discovery. They had done it; they were one step closer.

"And where is he now? Where does Bill live?"

"I don't know," Ted hung his head, "I haven't seen him since his wedding."

"Oh," Dean said disappointedly. All of his excitement drained from his body immediately and he really wanted to collapse on the floor... or into the arms of a certain Irish boy.

"Ooh are you talking about the wedding Ted?" called Andromeda's singsong voice, "It was lovely wasn't it? Well, up until the end. But Fleur, absolutely charming woman! She was telling me all about their new seaside cottage. Ooh I would like to live near the sea, Ted. D'you think we could, after all this is over?"

"Wait, seaside? Did she tell you where exactly?" Ted was almost yelling.

"Uh, Cornwall I think. Land's End. I think it's called Seashell Cottage or Shell Cottage or something."

Ted jumped up. "We have to go! Now!"

"Wait, hold up!" Andromeda said, firmly, "You can't go there now, they probably just got back from their honeymoon!"

"'Dromeda, you don't understand. It's very important that we go there right now!"

Her stern expression didn't waver and she folded her arms across her chest.

"Please, for Dean." Ted pleaded. Her face softened as she looked from her husband's doe eyes to Dean, who was sat across the room, staring glumly at an embroidered rug.

"Fine," she said, "but don't stay there for too long. Let them be alone for a while before anything bad has a chance to happen."

"Thank you 'Dromeda!" Ted said as he pulled his wife into a firm embrace. "Pack your bags hun, we need to leave as soon as possible!"

"What? Ted you know I can't go with you. My health isn't what it used to be. I'd be much safer staying here and guarding the house."

Ted sighed. "I hate it when you're right. I'll miss you."

"Oh Ted, stop being so dramatic! You'll be back in no time at all. Maybe I'll finally be able to get the house clean again!" Andromeda laughed.

Ted chuckled and a real, genuine smile appeared on his face. Dean could see years of love hidden behind that smile and he felt simultaneously warm and lonely inside.

"Oh how I love you Andromeda Tonks."

"I love you too my darling"


Within an hour, Ted had packed a rucksack (Andromeda had double checked it to make sure he didn't forget anything) and they were ready to go.

Ted looked forlornly at Andromeda as they had said their goodbyes, rushing out of the door after one quick kiss. He kept his eyes on hers until the front door was completely shut. And then they were walking up the garden towards the magical barriers that had been keeping them safe. Dean spotted his broom lying abandoned a few feet ahead.

"Hang on a minute, Ted." He ran over to it and unhooked the GPS from the end of the broom. "This could be useful in case we get lost."

"Ah good thinking boy. See this is why the world needs good muggle raised wizards like you! This is a genius invention! A perfect fusion of magical and muggle technology - I'm sure Arthur Weasley would be astounded!"

Dean blushed and gave his thanks. It was an idea he had come up with in his first year at Hogwarts to help him find his way around the school but he hadn't been able to execute such a complex procedure until his fifth year. It was, he thought, a rather useful outcome of procrastinating from exam revision.

And then they were back on their way. One man walking away from his true love and another taking steps towards his. Once outside the enchantments, they disapparated. The deep darkness wrestling Ted Tonks away from his beloved wife.


Well then, wasn't that fun. Gotta say I completely ship Tromeda and will until the end of my days! Sorry this was shorter than most of the other chapters - I couldn't think of anything else to write. (oops sorry)

I'm nearly at 200 reads yay! That doesn't sound like a lot but it's more than anything I've written before (ik sad right) so please share this with your friends so I feel like I've actually achieved something in my life (unless you go to my school cos then please, please don't).

Anyway, bye bye folk!

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