Chapter 1

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Old Secure Facility
Present Day

I look around this old facility, studying it's architecture. I've gotten information about the Director was here. Still trying to continue his research outside the UNSC.

I grip my Sniper Rifle's handle in my hand in anger. He has done so much to me it's crazy that I let him do it.

I should of listened to my father.

Then I wouldn't be where I am today.


Earth - Alaska, USA 
Many years ago

I feel the cold wind brush against my face as my sled dogs race back home. I just got done taking them for their daily trail run in the forest. You see: I do competitions with my dogs every few weeks during the winter. The dogs seem to really enjoy it and I love the adventure doing these races. Alaska is pretty.. boring I guess you would say in the winter when it's just you and your dad.

I see my house out of the open field. Usually, it's a beautiful place in the spring. Birds chirping, flowers all around, and occasional deer running around. But since it's the middle of winter, and the place looked so plain and barren. 

The dogs see it to and start running to their little dog house my brother and I built together. As they arrived, I gave them the command to halt. They all stop and looked at me, every one of them wanting to be released.

I take each one's harness off the tug line and removed the harness from them. They all got treats for being good dogs and filled their food bowls. I parked the sled up against the doghouse and walked/jogged back to the house because I could really use some hot chocolate in me.

As I was about to open the door and I hear someone, I didn't recognized, talking to my father. I lean my head against the door and heard my father's voice.

"I am not going to let my daughter get herself killed for an organization TRYING to help win a war."

The stranger spoke, but I couldn't hear what they was saying.

"Safe? Oh please.. putting her on the front lines is DEFINITELY safe."

I think that's my cue to walk in before anything gets worse and my dad takes out his shotgun. As I walk into my house, they all turn to stare at me. Apparently, there was TWO men talking to my father.

"You must be Abigail." One of the men said. His voice sounded.. Southern? I haven't been to the southern states but I kinda know what their accents are. But then, how did he know my name?

"It's Abby and you must not be from around here at all." I replied. We never get visitors out here so seeing these people at my house is alarming in a sense.

"We are all friends here Abby, please come sit." The other man said. His voice was more quiet and almost soothing.

"I think I'm comfortable where I am." I say confidently.

"Abigail.." My father said firmly.

"Fine." I reluctantly sit down on a stool near the door. It's not smart, especially when your father's stare is digging into your skin, but just because they want me to sit with them, doesn't mean I have to. And I don't even know what's going on.

"If you don't come and sit wi-"

"It's alright Mr. Brown." The Southern man interrupted. "She has the right to do what she's doing."

I turn to him in confusion. "I do?"

He looked at me."Why of course. You don't know me or my partner therefore you don't trust us and you are holding your ground until you know what's going on. Which I assure you, you will know soon enough."

I just sit there in shock. I don't know what to say because he's right. 

The man smiled at my shocked expression. "Now for introduction: My name is Dr. Leonard Church, the Director, and Aiden Price, the Counselor. I'm going to starting a new program to help win the war against the aliens known as the Covenant. And we believe that you could help us in doing so."

I'm still shocked from his last statement and now he's asking for MY help? "How would I be able to help? I just do competitions in racing sled dogs."

The Counselor pulls up a data pad. "Not only you race dogs, but you took 6 years of American Taekwondo and reached the rank of 3rd Decided Black Belt and you also took Hapkido for 2 years, reaching 1st Degree Black Belt. Plus you go hunting for food with a sniper rifle about 2-3 times a week. Not to mention: a skilled computer programmer AND hacker."

I stare at him. How does he even.. "Are you a stalker?"

The Counselor looked confused. "Stalker?"

"You know, keep track of a person 24/7?"

"That's enough with the nonsense Abigail." My father tells me in a warning voice while the Counselor chuckles. I really hate it when he calls me by my full name..

"Ok sorry.. But how do you know so much about me?" I asked.

"To answer your first question," The Director says. "The way YOU can help us is by becoming our first agent. You have the experience -"

My father cuts in. "Like I told you before: My daughter will not be joining your little program to help aid in a war against freaking aliens!! My wife and son are already in the army and I can't have her join too!!"

I stare in shock at my dad. Ever since my mom and my brother left us, he's been so overprotective of me. It's understandable, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions.

But first, I have to ask a few questions.

"This Project.. what's it about besides finding a way to win the Great War faster?" I ask.

My dad gives me the look and I return with the "chill-out" look.

"It's just like the Spartan II Program, but more safe." The Counselor answer. "We train you to be one of the best Spartans, expect you won't be a Spartan. Rather something similar to it. But we require a bit of outside training to qualify."

"Like a Mercenary or Freelancer?" 

The Director and the Counselor shared a impressed look. "More towards Freelancer." The Director says.

I gave myself a minute to process my options. "And you are saying that I met these.. requirements of joining your program."

"That is corrected." The Director confirmed.

"Abigail.. please don't tell me that you want to join them." He says in a hard voice.

I thought about the decision that I was about to make. I've always wanted to make a different in the universe. Maybe this is my chance.

"I'm sorry dad... but yes I want to join."


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