Chapter 17

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I made my way to the Bridge where I saw Tex fighting Carolina.. and that the Mother of Invention was going to crash into the mountains.

"Well this is just great." I mutter. Thankfully, I had background knowledge of flying an aircraft similar to the Mother of Invention. I run over to the controls and worked on trying to pull the ship up.

I take a quick glance up to see that Tex and Carolina was still fighting and that there's a mountain the ship is about to crash into.


I quickly put the trottle up as much as I can. Unlike a Sabre or fighter jets, there's no real manual control. It's all buttons which doesn't give me much confidence.

"C'mon. C'mon. Pull up." I growled in frustration as the ship flies closer to the mountain.

The ship must of heard me and pulled up, just barely missing the mountain. The ship scrapes across the mountain and skis down to the valley below.

I held on to the controls with my life as the ship comes crashing down.


I look up to see Tex floating towards me. I quickly grabbed her as she floats by and pull her towards the control module.

"Where's Carolina?" I yelled over the sound of the falling ship.

"I lost sight of her when I jumped." She yelled back.

"Let's just hope she'll be ok."

The ground beneath us shook as the Mother of Invention slid to it's final resting place.

I sigh in relief. "That went better than expected."

Tex doesn't answer as she accesses one of the control modules, opening the Alpha A.I. program. After a few seconds of silence, she closes the program.

"He's too broken." She says quietly. "He doesn't even know who he is anymore."

I was about to respond when I look outside to see Carolina laying helpless in the snow while Agent Maine starts closing in on her like an animal.


"I see it. We have to move."

Tex and I jump out of the broken windows of the Bridge and ran as fast as we could to save Carolina.

But we were too late.

We watched as Maine pick Carolina up, tear out her A.I.s from her and then throwing her off a cliff.

"No.." I looked at Maine in fear. He now has the power of three fragments. And that's pretty scary.

Tex must feel the same way because she nudges me and nods her head, in the direction she is going. I nod and follow her, pretty much running for our lives.

"ABBY WAIT DON'T-" Wash's final words rang in my comm. Tears fall as I shut all of my comm down besides Tex's.

All the pain of losing him. It even hurts more when you know that he's right. And it was his choice to stay.

So the only this to do I guess is to just.. move on.


Texas and I made a small camp in a cave inside of a mountain. Before finding the cave, we broke our recovery beacons so no one could find us. Because I'm very positive that the Director would be searching for us because we did something pretty bad to his little organization.

The two of us sat in silence at the campfire, trying to warm ourself up and trying to process what has happened today.

"So why did you choose to come with me?" Tex asks quietly out of nowhere.

"I don't know." I reply honestly. "Mostly because I wanted revenge and that you were my friend." I poke the fire with a stick and tucked a stray piece of brown hair behind my ear.


I study her for a minute. She doesn't have her helmet off like me, well.. because she's a full A.I. called Beta who transfered herself into a robot version of herself but A.I. or not, I can tell that she's thinking about something. "Tex?"

"Almost done." She murmurs.

"Almost done? With what?"

"Done." She pulls out what looks to be a hard drive from the back of her helmet. She holds it out to me. "Take it and insert it into the hard drive slot in your helmet."

"What is this?" I ask, taking it from her.

"It's an exact copy of the Beta A.I. but it's personality is kinda different than mine." She explained.

"Tex are you saying.."


"No.. I already lost David. I can't lose you too Allison. I'm coming with you." I hold out the hard drive to her.

"No. You can't. My mission is to recover and save the Alpha A.I. Your mission is to stay alive until you have the resources to take down Project Freelancer completely." She grabs my hand holding the hard drive, puts it in my palm, and closes my hand. "I will still be with you through this. It may not be exactly the same, but it's still part of me."

I just stared at her. She sighs and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back tightly, wishing that things could be better for the both of us.

"I'll miss you." I tell her.

"I'll miss you too." She breaks the hug and says, "You need to go now, in case if someone is on our trail."

"Right." I insert the hard drive into the slot on my helmet. I put it on and a black mini version of Tex appears and gives me a polite nod before disappearing.

"I'll see you soon Abby." Tex says. I know she hates saying goodbyes... and I do too.

"See you Allison." With that, I run into the night with the copy of Tex as my guide.


Epsilon Eridani system
Two Days ago

"You completed the mission successfully and brought in a very wanted criminal in our system without any help. Impressive." A UNSC soldier praised me.

I just shrug. "What can I say? I was trained by the best. Now can I get my reward?"

The soldier laughs. "You mercenaries really love your money don't you?"

I give him a small smile. "Isn't it obvious?"

He brings out a small wad of $100 dollar bills and hands it to me. "$2500 as promised."

I quickly count the money and confirmed that it was the amount promise. This was a good pay day.

I give him a nod before exiting their main office. I turn down the street to a bar and walked right in.

I sat down next to a guy I've been in contact with about the where-abouts of the Director. Today, he told me that he has some big news for me.

"So.. what's the big news?" I ask without looking at him.

He slide me a small folder. "His last known location."

I open the folder to see a detailed report of where the Director's been possibly hiding. Including the planet and coordinates.

I pocketed the Intel and slid $300 to the guy. "Thanks for your help." I say before leaving the bar.

I hopped on my motorcycle and started driving to the nearest Space port.

"Are you sure you trust this guy?" Beta/Tex asked me.

"Hey, if it doesn't work out then it's back to being a mercenary." I concluded. "Let's just hope that this place is where the Director is."


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