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"I can rule the world, JJ! Just follow me, I will break the walls, now look at me....this is who I am, just remember me!"

"Um, Keith, whatcha doing buddy?" Lance interrupted Keith's glorious solo. Keith made an inhuman noise when he noticed that there was another human being in the room with him.

"LANCE" Keith yelled, hastily ripping off his headphones, "Uh why are you here?"

"Wow, I feel so welcome," Lance jibed. "I just decided to come home early, jeez. And I'm glad I did, now I have tons of blackmail material," he smirked and held up his phone.

"YOU DID NOT" Keith cried, practically dying of embarrassment. "I-I'M I'M GONNA ..... YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH MCCLAIN!" the dark haired boy yelped, lunging at the lighter-haired one.

Lance chuckled and pulled his phone just out of reach. "Too bad you're so short, or you could have gotten it."

"I AM FIVE FEET ELEVEN INCHES STOP CALLING ME SHORT, Mr. Oh-I'm-So-Much-Better-Than-You-'Cause-I'm-6'1""

"Can't hear you, you're too close to the ground," the taller (but not by much) boy teased.

"Ugh you're insufferable!" Keith sighed, and stopped trying to reach the phone in Lance's hand.

"Yeah, but at least I'm not short. Anyway, what was that song called?"

Keith turned an even darker shade of red and mumbled something.

"What? You'll have to speak up, I mean unless you want me to post this gem on YouTube as "Only 17 years old, sings like an angel" Lance smirked.

"Don't you dare." Keith gasped.

"You know I would." Lance fired back.

The shorter boy sighed, defeated, and sat on his bed. "It's from an anime called Yuri! On Ice, ok. And it's actually good, the soundtrack is pretty, you should watch it."

Lance started giggling and plopped down beside him."An anime? Oh boy this better than I thought. Sorry Keith, your inner weeb is showing."

"Ha, at least I don't sing Britney Spears songs in the shower," Keith retorted, chuckling.

"That was ONE TIME! You don't have to bring it up constantly!" said Lance sullenly.

"It was definitely more than once, but it's ok, it's cute." The words tumbled out of Keith's mouth before he could stop them. His blush returned as he stuttered "uh I mean cute as in" Crap, he was grasping at straws, how could he save himself now?

Lance cocked his head, his face also tinged with pink. "So you admit it, I'm cute."

"Shit, I....Lance...."

"It sure took you long enough"


"You never respond to my flirting"

Keith gasped, not believing what he was hearing ""

"Yeah that wasn't an accident, you're cute but you don't even know." Lance sighed. "It's really annoying sometimes."

"I...wha....why" Keith was clearly having trouble forming words.

Lance turned his face to the astonished Keith and said "I'm not sure if I've liked you since we met, or if the feelings developed somewhere along the way, but I do like you, that much I know." Keith was still speechless. Lance lifted his hand up to the the other boy's face, to make sure he was looking at him and hearing what he was saying. "Frankly, you're adorable, and I love spending time with you, and I love it how you always have a comeback to everything, but you're willing to listen to me babble about my problems all day long. Your voice is cute and it's funny how you try to keep up that emo, bad-boy facade, even though you're a big ol' softie who loves watching High School Musical and singing along." Keith looked astonished, so Lance added, "yeah I heard you all those times. And the thing I love most is when you smile, because it's a rare occurrence, but when you smile, the whole world lights up and I can hear the angels singing." Keith closed his eyes and blushed even more, if that was possible. Lance let go of his face and Keith felt disappointed until he heard him turn away and say "And let's not forget, you're fine as hell, like gimme your workout routine please".
Keith started giggling like a five year old. He turned to Lance and said: "You're an idiot, but you're as radiant as the fucking sun"
And then he smiled.

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