2. Impressive

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Liam enters his home with his heart still beating fast, a big smile coming across his face.

Once he steps into his kitchen, he sees his mom standing there making dinner for the both of them and Geoff, his father and her husband.

He usually works from the morning till later in the night, so this is a normal thing with the two of them eating by themselves.

Liam misses his father deeply, but the pleasant silence is always nice. Geoff loves watching footie and that makes him a little too hyper, but Liam loves it, and also hates it.

"Good afternoon mum, how was your day," Liam asks calmly, although his palms or sweaty and his glasses are at the rim of his nose.

All he can focus on is the answer of being able to go to Niall's house or not. He really wants to go, but if Karen declines, then that's okay and Niall would totally understand him.

"It was wonderful, love. How about yours," Karen responds, smiling lightly at her young boy after she turns off the stove. Dinner is already ready.

"It was good, actually. I've talked about Niall before and we're actually partners for this project that we have to do..." Karen's smile brightens as he talks about Niall.

She loves this boy, but she hasn't even seen him yet. He makes her son happy and that's why she loves Niall; he brings Liam alot of joy.

"I was wondering if I can go to his house though, so we can begin working on it today..?" Liam stated, more like a question, earning a quick nod from his mother not even two seconds after. His heart couldn't be any faster, but his arms could.

He wraps his mother into a loving hug and pulls her close, showing all of his affection and love towards her with no problem.

He's never really left the house this happy, so he has Niall to thank, as well as Karen.

"Thank you so much, mum! He's actually still outside, but you can't meet him yet, since he wants me to meet his parents. I want you and dad to be here together when you first see him." Karen's smile has grown so wide.

"We aren't dating though, s-so please don't act all crazy when that happens, yeah? I just want to be friends with him." Karen nods and kisses his temple sweetly, caressing her son's right cheek.

"Okay, but have fun and get a lot of work done, love. Your father and I will figure out a day to meet your new best friend. Although, you've known him since the beginning of the year, yes? June?" He nods, but sighs impatiently.

"Yes, but I really have to go. Love you, mum." He pecks both of her cheeks before exiting the house quickly with his backpack over his shoulder.

The brunette speedily steps toward Niall's car, as the blonde is fixing his hair. Liam shakes his head, but enters the car with a grin.

Niall sits with his hands on the wheel, the car still running while Liam puts on his seatbelt, after putting his backpack in the back seat.

The blonde smiles gently at him and begins to drive to his house, knowing that his smile won't fade.

He has a genuine best friend who doesn't know about his powers and he isn't getting bombarded with questions.

Liam is the best kind of friend. Although, the blonde is scared of Liam finding out about everything, but at the same time, Niall already trusts him a lot after about four months.

Liam is one of the sweetest boys that he's met, so it's hard to not trust him a lot, like how he really does.

He nearly trusts him with his life, which wouldn't matter as he is immortal who can destroy anything, create fire, fly, potentially control minds and have telekinesis. He isn't too special, though.

"So I told my parents that you're coming over to work on our project and they're excited to meet you. Especially my mother who is your number one fan, because of your insane knowledge."

Liam giggles and blushes, messing with his watch that's wrapped around his left wrist.

"W-Well... I am smart, yes, but I shouldn't be i-idolized..." Niall chuckles softly and continues to drive at a slow pace.

He finds it adorable that Liam still stutters when they talk, but he's a shy person, so he understands why, completely.

"Well, being recognized by the vice principal, because of your outstanding knowledge, is a wonderful thing, Liam. She can help you get into a really good college, if you'd like?" Liam's brown eyes grow wide and all he can do is nod happily.

Niall laughs lightly and stops the car in the parking lot of his and his parent's grand home. It has two floors, many rooms, three bathrooms, and a large kitchen and living room. Liam is in awe from the size already.

The two exit the car, after they grab their bags whilst brushing their hands, heading to the front door as Liam feels more nervous than before.

He doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of Niall's parents, because one of them can actually help him with his future, while the other, Niall's father, could be intimidating. Liam can't handle intimidating people that well, nor people yelling at him for doing whatever he did.

"There's no reason to be nervous, Liam. I've talked about you with my parents before and they accept you as a family friend already. Just calm down, okay?" Liam breaths softly, nodding as Niall stares into his eyes with a light smile.

"Good, now let's head inside and meet my parents." Liam looks at the door and sighs softly, following Niall in before the blonde closes and locks the door behind them.

They take off their shoes then head toward the kitchen, where shouting can be heard. "I'm home with Liam!" Liam can hear a woman and man gasp before Niall gasps, pinning the brunette to the wall. Liam frowns and grows more worried.

"S-Sorry, Liam. I think they were just doing something odd in there. You know how parents can be." Liam chuckles lightly, because he knows that his parents can be a bit touchy feely. He's never thought of doing that with anyone, though.

"You boys can come in here!" Niall's mother shouts before the blonde pulls Liam into the living room with a kind smile across his face. His parents turn to the two and they can't help but grin from ear to ear as they look at Liam.

"So this is the brilliant Liam... Looks more like one of the bad boys at your school, besides the glasses." Niall rolls his eyes as his parents look at Liam up and down. Liam just stands there blushing.

"Don't pester him please, because he is the Most innocent guy that you'll meet. Trust me. He's sweet, obviously smart and has a lot of potential to be a great part of this world." Niall's mother smiles at him before reaching out to Liam.

"My name is Maura and this is Bobby. We're so glad to finally meet you," she states while Liam shakes her hand firmly. He can be calm now. Now that he knows that Niall's parents are safe, he'll be okay.

"It's n-nice to meet you too." Maura and Bobby smile before Liam shakes Bobby's hand just as firmly. He earns a big grin from the older man.

"Impressive handshake. You chose a good boy to be friends with Niall... We don't want Niall to have a lot of friends. We want him to focus on his school work," Bobby whispered the second bit in Liam's ear, making him chuckle lightly.

"I'm sure Liam understands, because he doesn't have that many friends either, but it's a good thing since we'll more time for each other. For school and for enjoyment." Niall looks over to Liam, who is now blushing lightly from his words.

"Good, love. Why don't you two start your project while we cook up some dinner? Sound good?" The two boys smile and nod, but Niall is still looking over at Liam and he states,

"Sounds wonderful, mum."

A/N: So Liam is apart of the Horan family in a friendly matter, which is good! Niam may grow a stronger bond and be a better team. I hope y'all enjoyed though and I love you all so much x

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