6. Teamwork

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Liam is seated down in his desk, typing away at his computer with his eyes trailing down the numbers on the screen.

Niall is watching him with his jaw hanging low, scanning the numbers on the screen quickly. The brunette is currently hacking.

"Well someone knows how to hack properly," Josh said as he steps up to the pair, earning a light growl from Niall.

Liam was introduced to him and the others properly, even though Liam knew Josh, they're finally getting along after so long. But Josh seems to be getting a little too close with Liam, in Niall's point of view, and he doesn't like it one bit.

Liam smiles a bit, "yeah. I usually understand things pretty quickly and when they showed me the tutorial, I understood it quick. I'm glad I'm helping you, Niall here, and the others." Josh smiles along with him.

"I'm glad as well. I apologize again for how I act towards you in school. I'll ease down since you are apart of the team though, I promise," he stated with a smile, earning a nod from Liam.

The brunette is happy that he can be friends with Josh, but his favorite friend will always be Niall. The blonde understands him more and they already have a tight bond that will never break, at least, Liam hopes so.

Niall looks at his watch, that has more than just the time on it, letting out a soft sigh after reading a new email from his father.

"We've got work to do Josh, downtown at the pub." Josh rolls his eyes, because there's always trouble there and it's just a bad atmosphere.

"Alright. I'll meet you there." Niall nods, watching Josh walk off for a few seconds, before turning to Liam who is still hard at work.

"Liam, you'll need to use your earpiece in. You're not just for hacking, but you're also helping with backup, so getting the others to help Josh and I if we're in danger." The brunette turns to him while his heart drops. He should've known that Niall can get hurt from this work: he should've.

"O-Okay. Just please try your best to not get hurt, okay? I cannot lose you." Niall smiles, a light blush coming onto his cheeks as he puts in Liam's earpiece for him. He turns it on afterward.

"Don't worry. I usually never get a scratch anyway. The perk of having telekinesis now will surely assist me more." Liam chuckles lightly, gently placing Niall's ear piece into his left ear.

The blonde watches him as he does so, his heart racing against his chest while he smiles big. Liam will never not make him feel this way: flustered and needy of his warm, gentle touch.

Niall's feelings are growing achingly stronger as the seconds go by, and soon enough, he won't be able to control himself. His hands will roam Liam's perfect body and his lips will claim the brunette's skin, kissing every single inch of his body gently.

When his feelings do get majorly strong, this will happen, as his father went through the same thing with Maura.

He couldn't control any of his limbs, and all he could do is watch him love the woman whom he is made to be with forever.

Niall's positive, in his head, that the same thing will happen once his heart can't handle the fast beats and the strong feelings for Liam anymore.

He'll crack and he won't be able to do anything but show Liam that he wants him for life; it may scar the brunette, but Niall can still talk during this odd process.

When that time comes, he'll be ready for anything, and he hopes that Liam will be as ready as he will.

The blonde shakes his head a little, getting out of his train of thought as he notices Liam sitting back with a blush coating his tanned cheeks. Niall leans down and whispers one last word in his ear,


Before Liam could say anything, Niall was already gone and his heart falls to his stomach. He wanted to tell him about his own feelings, since the blonde was staring at him for a good two minutes, but he just stood there shocked.

He realized that he liked the blonde, but was it too soon? He's known him for a good while, but hasn't properly talked to him for enough time. Would it really matter though? If Niall were to like him back, would that honestly, really matter?

If they were to like each other, would that be a problem? Would Bobby and Maura accept them for their relationship? Liam wants to know all of this, but he must focus on the mission, which is most important.

His eyes focus back onto the screen in front of him and he scoots his chair closer to it.

Once he opens up the hacking system, after finding the pub thats for the mission, his fingers type rapidly against the keys, hacking his way into the security cameras with ease.

He sits back after the quick victory, his eyes only focusing on the multiple cameras. As he does so, Louis comes up next to him and gives him a small smile. "I wish I was as talented as you with computers, Liam."

Liam blushes at him comment, but continues to stare at the screen, because it's his job to watch every person's movement on the screen. If he even looked away for a second, he would feel terrible.

"Yeah, I'm used to doing like this. I haven't been doing it for very long though, which is odd. Maybe I'm a superhero and I just don't know it," he laughs softly, but Louis keeps a straight face.

Liam frowns as Louis then speaks, "you never know until you really test out theory of having such amazing abilities. After this mission, I'm taking you to one of the training rooms, okay?" Liam nods, now being concerned with himself.

Could he truly have such major technical abilities? Could he really hack into anything with no problem whatsoever? It seems to be the case, as it only takes him less than a minutes to usually hack into things, but would it be considered a superpower? How could Louis think that?

"Does having technical abilities count as a superpower? I feel like it doesn't..." Louis rolls his eyes and crosses his arms as he watches Niall and Josh on the screen, using their abilities to beat the enemy encountered.

"It does and its rare to get that. Also, I feel like you can read mines, just a hunch." Liam glances at Louis, hearing him think clearly.

"If you can hear me, tell me or I'll tell Niall all about your loving feelings toward him." Liam gasps and it actually makes Louis chuckle. "I'll take that as you heard my thoughts. I won't tell, but don't leave him hanging. I'm sure he really likes you back. You both just have to be brave."

Liam takes off his glasses and runs a hand over his face as he sighs shakily. "I know, I just suck at admitting my feelings to people. Could you maybe, possibly help me?" Louis smiles gently and nods, patting the boy's shoulder sweetly.

"Of course I can help you, after the training sequence, alright?" Liam nods whilst growing a big smile on his face. He loves having Louis as a friend already, but he isn't sure about Daniele yet.

The two look back at the computer and notice Niall smiling with Josh at the camera. Niall then waves and Liam can't help but have butterflies in his stomach, slowly falling more for the blonde.

"Why is he so adorable and why did I fall so fast for him, Lou?" Louis grins at the nickname whilst glancing at Harry as he's hard at work.

"Because he's special. More than you know, Li."

A/N: So sorry for updating a little late. But I hope this satisfied y'all and it'll only get better after this, I promise you! I have a lot of things planned and I love you all so much x

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