10. Our Side

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Josh stared at Ed wide eyed, wondering how he even knows this and why the world would even become a hellhole. Sure, Ed didn't say that specifically, but he said that the world won't be good for anyone in the future and now he's scared half to death.

"How do you know this?" Josh questioned, looking at Ed dead in the eyes as the ginger only sniffles from his tears.

"W-Well I'm a psychic Josh and I could tell the future. I-It's certain that something terrible will hapoen, I just don't know what will..." Josh purses his lips a little at hearing Ed's words, taking his hand in his own to pull him along to Bobby's office.

Once they make it there, Josh knocks on the door and Bobby unlocks it electronically, knowing Josh's knock. The two then step into the room and Bobby smiles at them when glancing at their hands.

"Are you two dating? That's wonderful." Ed blushes at that and so does Josh, but he doesn't want to talk about that right now. There are more important matters.

"Yes, but there's something we need to talk about," Josh said as he sat down next to Ed, who was still grasping his hand tightly. He's, of course, scared and slowly starting to form more of the future in his head.

"Ed just had a psychic vision or whatever and it was about how the future will be terrible for us. He doesn't know when or how it'll happen, but it's certain." Bobby sighs and laces his hands together, looking sternly at Ed, who was thinking harder.

The man frowns as the ginger begins to hold his head in his hands, groaning from a vision happening in his brain.

A broken down, fiery town comes into his thoughts and the screams of agony coming from the innocent lives as the superheros fight for their lives. They're trying their best, but are losing blood, their powers are dying and so are they, at a slow pace.

They're losing this battle, letting the people who abandoned them win, when they should win and keep their town. But they can't win, even if they are trying their best.

But before Ed could see more, his head stops pounding and he gets his vision back, Bobby and Josh looking at him with shocked expressions and fast heartbeats.

"What did you just see, Ed?" Bobby questioned, looking at the ginger sternly.

Ed sighs, "a lot, if I'm being honest. Destruction, chaos, every bad word that you can imagine. It's terrible..." Josh and Bobby sigh together, looking at Ed who is near to tears. He can't handle all of this.

"It's okay, Ed. Because we have the upper hand here, yeah? We know what may happen and we could maybe figure out who are the cause of this situation?" Josh suggests, earning a nod and smile from Bobby.

"Good thinking, Josh. We could totally prevent this from happening, as long as you keep trying your hardest to get these visions. If you have to try, at least. Unless they just happen..." Bobby said, sighing.

Ed nodded. "Yes, they just happen, out of nowhere. Just started getting them a-and I'm scared about them, if I'm being honest." He stated truthfully, sweat dripping from his pink forehead.

"Don't worry. If it gets too serious, we have people here to help. Reliable people for any kind of assistance, yeah? You'll be okay, but we'll need your help." Ed groaned.

"Okay... I just need some rest, yeah?" The two nod at Ed, who then leaves the room quickly. Josh follows behind him and takes his hand in his own, earning a slight smile from the adorable ginger.

Meanwhile, Liam and Niall had just finished their dessert and are wiping away the mess on their own lips. Liam smiles at how dirty Niall got from the food: the chocolate smudges, the messy noodles and tea stains. He's such a messy boy, but Liam doesn't mind it one bit.

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