5. Blue Fever

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The sunlight shined through Liam's room as the brunette slowly opens his eyes, groaning softly as he grabs his phone from the side table. He squints his browns eyes, adjusting to the brightness, while remembering that today is Saturday.

A gentle smile comes across his face and he lays back down on the soft bed fully, removing the blanket from his warm body. He only wore boxers to bed, which is the first time he has done it since it was last hot, and he realized that it felt good.

He felt comfortable in his body and he hasn't in so long, but he does and it's strange to him. Even though it may be strange, it makes him happy. It makes him happy, because he's starting to feel more confident with himself, but why?

When he decides to get up, the first thing he does is go over to his computer with his phone in hand. Before he could make it to his desk though, out of the corner of his eye, he sees a figure of a person fly across his window.

His heart drops as his eyes grow wide while he quickly steps up to the window, opening it quickly with no hesitation. Liam's crazy, brunette locks flitter in the warm wind before he jumps back in a flash. A person is flying on the other side of the window, floating rather.

Liam's heart couldn't be going any faster and his smile couldn't grow any bigger. This is like a dream come true to him and he doesn't know what to do in this moment. Should he cry? Should he scream? Should he hug the person? No, he'd fall. He must do something before they leave.

"Who are you," he asks quickly, getting back up as the person flies into the room fully, their blonde locks looking oh so soft and their mask, along with their outfit, is so adorable, but masculine. Their body type reminds Liam of someone, but he can't figure out who it could be. Just like in the movies.

"I'm Blue Fever, Liam," the boy under the mask speaks, a smirk coming across his face. Liam's jaw drops and he starts giggling like a little boy who just got a boat load of chocolates. How could Blue Fever know who Liam is? It's like a dream for the brunette boy.

"H-How do you know my name?!" Liam questions with more excitement in his tone of voice. Blue Fever chuckles softly and steps a bit closer to the boy, gently placing his hands on Liam's shoulders.

"Bobby told me about you after your meeting last night. He told me that you'll be helping me, along with the others, technical wise." Liam nods quickly, his heart slowly beginning to burst from excitement. He couldn't be more happy.

"Y-Yeah, I'm your guy! Today onward!" Blue Fever chuckles again and pats Liam's right cheek, cooling the boy down a little. Liam smiles more. His touch is so cold, but he is oh so perfect.

"I'm glad to have someone with such knowledge on the team," Blue Fever states before Liam giggles quietly. "Bobby told me to take you to headquarters, though. Are you already ready or should I wait outside?"

Liam looks down at himself and realizes that he's still in only boxers, making him blush even more as the superhero in front of him smirks a little bit. Blue Fever finds Liam to be a little quirky, but very adorable. Although, he wishes he could reveal himself to Liam,  as Niall, but he's too scared.

He's scared that just because he's a superhero, Liam will like him more and he doesn't want that. He wants his friend to like him for him and not because of his powers: those kinds of people are truly hard to find nowadays, for the blonde.

Perhaps, he's thinking too much and maybe Liam will accept the fact that he is a superhero, but will like him as a normal person? That's what Niall wants, but he's not courageous enough to find out the truth, and he doesn't want to ruin another friendship of his.

As he was too deep in thought, he didn't notice that Liam was fully clothed until the brunette waved a hand in front of his face cutely. Niall blushes and turns away from Liam quickly.

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