11. The Brief Meeting

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Josh stands up, furious to know that his own teammates will eventually turn on him and the others. Niall is the same way, but Liam and Ed don't have the same affect as they are newer in this group of heroes.

"We have to have a meeting, right? To see if the four of them are really thinking about turning on us? I mean, if they are, then we have got to do something, right," Josh sighed, running a hand over his face.

"I don't know, Josh. We know that Ed's power is real and it isn't fake, but maybe we can talk to them? You know, get them to rethink about their future actions? We can do whatever they want and there'll be no problem on our shoulders. As long as it doesn't involve anything deadly," Liam suggested, earning a nod from Josh as Niall rubs Ed's back soothingly, calming him down.

"So we'll do that then. First, we must tell Bobby about this, once we get down to headquarters. Niall, you stay with Ed here, alright? He needs some air and he should have someone with him," Josh tells the blonde, earning a nod from Niall.

Josh then leaves the room after giving Ed a peck to the lips, Liam doing the same with Niall. Ed then stands up from his seat with a sigh, Niall doing the same.

"What could we do as they go talk with the others? Get to know each other?" Ed smiles a little and nods, going over to the bed and sitting on it with a slow exhale. Niall grabs the rolling chair and sits in front of the ginger, crossing his legs with a goofy smile.

Meanwhile, as the two get to know each other more, Ed and Liam have entered headquarters with their superspeed, quickly walking into Bobby's office. Liam had opened the door and followed Josh inside, getting their boss' full attention as they didn't knock.

"So you must have some news. What's up?"

"Ed had another vision and we know the traitors who will turn on us. But before you get angry, we should talk with them, see if we can make a deal so they don't destroy everything, yeah?" Bobby hums, standing up from his seat to stand beside Josh and Liam.

"We'll see. Just tell me who will try to betray us, yes?" Josh nods slightly.

"Okay: Camila, Zayn, Perrie and Gigi. We don't know why they would want to, but if we don't try to stop them, you know what'll happen, Boss." Bobby groans a little and steps out of his office quickly, Liam and Josh trailing behind him.

Bobby eventually leads them into one of the training rooms, eyes locking onto the four members who are practicing their abilities together. He walks up to them, with the two still behind them, and crosses his arms as they quickly stand at attention.

"So, one of our own has the abilities to see the future... And he saw something very suspicious. Do the four of you have any idea of what that may be?" The four look at each other and shake their heads quickly, earning a chuckle from Bobby.

"Well he saw the four of you turning on the group down here: ruining the town and killing your own teammates. Would you think that it'd be wise to do such things?"

The four sigh and clench their jaws, realizing that what they have been planning may be a bust. Even though it could really happen in the future, they would regret it, because this is their other family.

And one of them secretly has visions as well, but they're too scared to admit it. They saw an even worse threat after their battle with their other family, so it'd be a mistake all in all. Everything would be a mistake.

"N-No," cried Camila, softly, tears pooling in her eyes, "we can't do that you guys, because you know what? We are family and that's what's most important. We can't disobey everyone and if we did, we'd regret it. You three and I know it." The other three do sigh and nod, making Bobby, Liam and Josh smile.

"I'm glad you said that, Camila, because I'm revoking your powers and the other three's as well," they all gasp as Bobby snaps his fingers, making their powers instantly disappear.

"You know what I told you four at the beginning of each of your training days; if you even think of disobeying your boss, your powers are gone. You may go home now and have a wonderful life." Bobby turns his heel and heads out of the room, leaving the four, Josh and Liam all in shock.

"I can't believe he just did that... The sass was definitely from Louis, though," Josh stated, chuckling a bit as he pulled Liam out of the room, leaving the four to grieve.

Liam sighed as they began their trek out of headquarters, Josh looking at him with a frown. "What's wrong," Josh asked.

"I feel bad," Liam admitted, "even though they could've ruined the world, I still feel bad for them. I mean, sure, they won't be a problem anymore, but they really enjoyed being down here and they are family." Josh nods a little, crossing his arms as he walks.

"You're right. But look on the bright side, once they leave the headquarter's doors, they won't remember a single thing about it or their powers. Only their friends inside and that's all." Liam nods a little.

"Okay. As long as they don't remember, like you how you just said so, then I'll be fine." Josh smiles and steps out from the headquarters, Liam following him before he closes the door.

They both then head back to where their lovers are, entering with gentle smiles on their faces to see Ed and Niall talking.

"Looks like you've been getting to know each other, which is great. Ed needs to get a little bit out of his comfort zone," Josh said, smiling at his small lover, who is now blushing.

"Oh, stop, Joshie," Ed said in a small tone of voice, a blush evident on his cheeks. Josh chuckles and pulls him into a cuddle as Niall gets pulled into the next room by Liam, who is in need of his lover.

Once Liam locks the door, he presses Niall against it and kisses him hungrily, feeling Niall heat up even more from Liam's affection. The blonde kisses him back, gripping Liam's waist as Liam places his hands on each side of Niall's head.

"Everything will be okay from now on," Liam said after pulling away, earning a whine from Niall, "it'll be just us, our friends and our families. Isn't that wonderful?" Liam finished happily, making Niall coo at him with a grin.

"It's the best news, Liam, of course," Niall said, running his fingers through Liam's soft, brown locks. Liam chuckles lightly.

"Good, because I want to celebrate in many ways. Use your powers to light some candles and I'll set up everything else." Niall blushes hard and nods, obeying Liam's orders without a problem.

Once Niall lit the candles with the snap of his fingers, Liam walks in wearing only boxers, blushing at Niall, hard. "I was only getting ready to make love to you, but if this is too soon, I totally understand-"

"It's totally fine," Niall said as he got on the bed, "but you better be good, Payne." He teased as Liam then crawled on the bed with a smirk, hovering over the blonde superhero as his confidence is blooming.

"I'll be better than good, Ni. You deserve the best after everything you've done for me."

A/N: Abrupt part and ending to the chapter, I'm sorry, y'all. But the next chapter will be the last, for now. My brain is just fuzzy with ideas for this story, so I'll get back to it in the future when I have ideas, or when you guys have them in the comments. I love you all so so much :) x

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