3. Key Points

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Liam sets his books down on Niall's desk, while the blonde sets his own on his large bed. The blonde let him work at his deal, because he is a guest and it's showing politeness. Niall is nothing but polite with his guests, especially Liam now, as they are friends. He hasn't had a friend in a while.

The brunette is focused on his work, while the blonde is scanning through his wristwatch for updates on the news in his town.

He likes to make sure that everything is safe and okay, but if isn't, he changes into his Blue Fever form and saves the cheesy. As cheesy as that sounds, he always manages to be a great asset to the world, as saving people is his top priority.

Being friends with Liam is now also something that is of importance to him. He hasn't had a friend since his elementary school years, so having Liam by his side makes him feel better about himself; confident wise.

"Hey Niall, can you make the last few slides? I'll do the first couple, then we can do the few in the middle together?" The brunette turns to Niall, who looks up at him with a gentle smile.

"Good idea. I'll ask you if I need help, Mr.Payne." Liam smiles at his new friend's words, turning back toward his computer while he sighs shakily.

Niall gives him this strange feeling at the pit of his stomach, like something is odd, but he doesn't want to tell his new friend that.

It'd throw him off, then they wouldn't feel comfortable with each other, already.

Liam doesn't want to lose him so fast, or at all, because that odd feeling also comes with this good feeling of mystery.

This mystery intrigues the brunette to the point where he wants to know more about Niall, even if he should already know some things about him.

They have know each other for a good four months or so, but know slim to none about each other, which is odd as Niall can be very talkative and outgoing with people, Liam thought.

He just has to make Niall talk about himself as they work on their project together.

"Niall, would it be okay if you could tell me some things about yourself? We've known each other for some time now, but I know barely anything about you and your past." Liam turns his chair back toward Niall again, as the blonde looks up from his notebook and computer.

"Oh, sure, Liam," Niall said as he sat up comfortably in his spot. Liam brings his computer over as he opens up his notes tab, while still on his chair. He might as well multitask, which is easy for him.

"I'm sure you want to know key points in my life and just the ordinary things, so I'll state the simple things first." Liam nods and listens as he types away at his computer.

In a way, as he types, Niall's voice calms him down, so he feels confident with his notes while listening to the blonde.

Another thing that makes him more mysterious, is his soothing voice. The slight rasp with a touch of a deep tone. It's rare and attractive on him. Whoever he dates in the future will be lucky.

The time flies by as he goes on about himself as he types away at his computer, though. About two hours pass and Liam knows moee than enough about Niall, but it's a good thing.

"So, your father and brother are working in secret jobs? You're gay? And you're secretly studying in a huge, online college?" Niall blushes and nods at the flabbergasted boy in front of him.

Liam is more than shocked with those three things, well the last two things. He wants to know more about the first topic the most.

Him being gay isn't troublesome, as the brunette is himself, and him studying in a college is just insane. They're only Juniors, halfway in being seniors, so that's why it's so surprising.

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