9. It Doesn't Look Good

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The next day approached and Niall was already at the checkpoint with Josh and Louis, the three of them growing nervous as they hear men bickering and gunshots going off. This is one of the most dangerous missions that they've ever done, so all they can hope for is their key strategy and Liam's guidance with their ear pieces.

Liam sits at his computer, looking over the cameras that were placed neatly in the men's meeting area (that Daniele placed), nodding to himself when he sees them cocking their guns.

"They're getting ready to leave," The three boys hear Liam's voice in the ear piece. They nod and move back just enough, hands in ready position to use their powers. Josh kicks down the door quickly, hitting one of the men to the ground as they then take out the group one by one.

They each handle two out of the six men: Louis freezing his, Niall keeping them pressed against against a wall and Josh holding them down with his vines, his snake hissing at them violently.

But one of their men, the leader, catches them off guard, pinning Niall down to the floor in a chokehold. Louis and Josh's eyes grow wide. But Josh isn't sure if he should save him; however, the blonde is his teammate still.

This isn't the time to be ignorant though as Niall is turning purple. So, Josh leaves his snake to the two men, who are nearly crying, and tackles the three men down, letting Niall get free.

Him being shocked is an understatement, as Josh pretty much hated him now, but he forms fire ropes in his hands, strapping the men down as Josh moves out of the way at the right time.

The pierced lip boy nods his way, Niall smiling at him softly as Liam is awestruck at what just happened on his side of things.

The police start coming, as Harry called them to the address of the area, so the three leave quickly through the back. As the policemen and women storm in, the trio flies low, back to one of closest entrances to the headquarters.

The police handcuff each of the men after finding guns and duffle bags on them, taking them into the police cars with ease. Liam smiles at Harry who smiles back at him with glee, turning off their computers with a sigh.

Just then, the trio comes back, their masks taken off and their heats beating fast after what had just happened to them.

Niall sits on Liam's lap, making the brunette smile a bit, while Louis talks with Harry. Josh goes into the break room, limping a little from the wound he received from one of the men. No one noticed though, except for the man who hurt him.

"That was quite a near death experience that you just went through, love. Is everything okay with you and the other two?" Niall nods slightly, tangling his fingers in Liam's hair as he lets out a soft sigh, wanting to just lay down with Liam.

"I'm pretty sure. Louis is definitely all brigjt and happy, as well I am, but Josh, I'm not sure." Liam sighs and sets Niall on the ground, walking over to the break room. The blonde follows behind him, his hands on Liam's waist.

When Liam opens the door, he sees Josh's foot set on one of the tables. He's currently cleaning a stab wound that he had to endure, surprisingly, hissing at the smallest of touches that he places on himself.

Liam and Niall then walk over to him whilst they sigh together. Josh looks up at the two, only to look back down at his wound. Just then, Harry and Louis walk in and they both gasp at the sight.

"Holy shït, Josh... Which one of those fückers did that to you?" Louis asks, eyes growing a little wide as Josh just shrugs.

"I couldn't tell, but I'll be fine. It's not like we have a superhero with powers down here. Those are rare." Harry chuckles, his green eyes glowing as he stands beside Josh's injured foot.

Harry moves Josh's hand and places his own on the bloody wound, closing his eyes tight as he heals it completely. He then lets out a sigh as everyone watched in amazement, the opened wound now gone with no stitching or scar shown on that area.

"Holy crap..." Is all that Josh can say before he pulls the green eyed boy into a tight hug. Harry chuckles in response and hugs him back as Ed walks in, fixing his glasses as he gets a drink from the fridge.

Josh likes Ed as well as Liam, but Ed has a bigger part of his heart now, because he has a bigger chance with the ginger male.

So when the two part away from the hug, Josh goes over to Ed with ease and begins talking with him. Ed blushes throughout the conversation as the four then leave, heading their separate ways as couples. Although, Louis and Harry aren't dating, yet. Liam knows that they want each other.

Niall drags Liam to their room in the headquarters, letting out a big sigh when he walks over to his large closet to find some better clothes to wear.

"I was wondering what you'd like on me. Since we have our date now, LiLi." Liam blushes and bods, nearly forgetting about that as he walks over to the blonde. He examines the clothing, his eyes scanning the different clothes and designs on the shirts, pants and even socks.

"Well, I think you should definitely wear a button up, to show the little amount of chest hair that you have." Niall blushes and takes off his shirt, following Liam's orders as he grabs the shirt, taking off his own shoes in the process.

The brunette continues to look through the pants as Niall strips what he can, after buttoning up the shirt and leaving a few on the top unbuttoned, while watching Liam.

When Liam eventually finds a good enough outfit, he hands Niall the pair of black skinny jeans and white combat boots to match his button up.

In the meantine, as Niall gets fully dressed. Liam finds a simple outfit. He finds a black tee with black jeans, but also a white over jacket and white combat boots, just like Niall's.

When he walks out, after changing he eyes Niall up and the blonde does the same to him. They then smile at each other and meet in the middle of their small distance, connecting their lips in a soft kiss.

After the short kiss, Liam takes Niall's hand in his and pulls out his phone to check his hair. "I'm hoping my hair isn't too messy. Yours is gorgeous." Niall blushes and shakes his head, placing a chaste kiss on the brunette's scruffy cheek.

"Yours is perfectly fine. Just expect it to be even messier when a certain night of love comes." Liam's cheeks heat up at Niall's dirty comment, letting him lead the way out of headquarters and to their first date.

It was quite a long walk, since Niall suggested walking rather than driving. He wanted to walk instead, because it's more romantic to him and he wanted to be in Liam's company even longer than necessary. He's quite attached to Liam.

They take a seat in the back of the deep dish diner, looking at the menu together as they sit across from each other. "Do you think that Ed and Josh are together now?" Niall asks, eyes still on the menu.

Liam shrugs, "I'm not sure. But as long as he doesn't want me anymore, I'm fine with it. I thought he would be with Zayn though, if I'm being honest." Niall sighs a little.

Meanwhile, Josh takes Ed's hands in his as they are together in one of the rooms down in headquarters. Ed blushes at this action and gently kisses the brunette, run a hand along his arm tattoos. Josh kisses him back smiling, cupping the ginger's left cheek.

Ed and Josh just agreed to go out with each other and Josh couldn't feel any better. The stress of not being able to date Liam made things hard for him, but being with Ed now makes everything better for him.

He was the one who asked Ed out in the first place, and the ginger didn't hesitate at all to agree to date Josh. All that matters now though, is that they're both happy and together, with no worry of finding someone perfect, rather having the other.

When they pull away from the kiss, Ed bites his lower lip softly, rubbing his arms at the thoughts swarming around in his head. Josh frowns at him.

"What's wrong, love?" He asks, earning a slight blush from Ed before he sighs shakily. Ed then takes Josh's hands in his own and licks his lips slowly.

"The future doesn't look good... For anyone."

A/N: Love y'all x

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