Chapter 3 Part 1

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Chapter Three Part One: Forced To Become

"Slut!" A girl pushes me as I fly back another one pushes me forward. "Whore!" Another girl shouts as I gain balance back I feel my hands tingle. "" I glare at them as the empty halls echo with their laughs a red head smiles at me. "What are you gonna do? Give birth?" They all laugh and I chuckle a bit with them. "Whats so funny? Last time I checked I'm not a skanky whore who finally got herself prego..........awwww whats wrong? Is daddy gone?" She pouts shoving her lip out and I smile more.

"Three" "Oh if you count down to one are you gonna put us in the time out?" Mocking me she slide her finger down her cheek. "Two" I mutter. "Oh no Ash she's getting angry!" Her friend shouts and they all laugh. "One" as I stand from my crouched position I frail my arms in the air and they launch backwards and land on their backs.

"So who's first?" The flames on my fingers rise and they all look up. "What kind of demon are you?" The red head stays their like she can't move, I roll my wrist changing the element to water it splashes onto the lights and it crashes down into the puddle of water the electricity crackling inside the liquid. I spread it to the four of them as their eyes widen I look at her. "You really want to know?" As they all get up I lift the water up and they book it down the hall and out the doors.

"Hey!" Jonathan jogs up to me. "We have to go now" he pulls my arm and drags me to his car.

---------Later That Day----------

"Your father and I are going out, stay home ok?" She repeats for the fifty millionth time. "Yes mom I will stay here" as I run up stairs I wait for them to leave. I sprint to their room and watch them leave in my fathers car, as I search for my mothers keys I find them on her nightstand and walk out to the garage.

I check my watch 6:45pm. I start the car and set my bag in the passenger seat, my black peacoat covers my baby bump and I wear a black beanie to go along with the black shades. I park on the side of the road and get out my bag hanging off of my elbow, I sit down on the bench across from a large lake. My black jeans rub against each other when I cross my legs, I let out a nervous sigh and look around. I really hope this isn't long.

"You will meet me at the abandoned train station tonight at exactly midnight I suppose you will be on time" the red headed man sits next to me his dark cloak hangs off of the bench. "Why?" "Because if you don't that baby of yours will be brutally ripped out of the womb where it slumbers" his words spit out and stab me. "Well if you will excuse me I have a doctors appointment" I quickly stand up and he grabs my wrist.

"Here is the address............tell no one" he shoves the slip of paper in my hand and lets go, as I walk back to the car I drive off to the highway and it soon turns dark. Dialing Meredith's number I hold it to my ear while nibbling on a BigMac. "Hello?" The phone shuffles. "Hey I'm coming to the house do you think Jackson could check the baby?" I ask and I hear her cover the phone. "Yeah he said he could" "If it's ok" I feel a little guilty.

"Of corse it is" her cheery voice rings through the speaker and I smile. "Thanks I'll be there in a minute" I hang up and let go of the wheel, I press the gas pedal to the max and push the wind to make me go faster and within minutes I'm there. Meredith shrieks as she runs up to me and hugs me I see Becca and Nathan walking out of his room. "Hey!" She giggles and I smile at her. "Hey prego" Becca hugs me half asleep and I hug her back.

"Lily are you ok? You look a little upset" Meredith looks at me worried and I shake my head hiding my face. " I'm fine" I grin at them and they grin back. "When your ready Lily" Jackson announces. It was only a few girls it won't happen again.

Toby's P.O.V.

"On your six!" Rachel yells and I twist around and kick a random man in the jaw which sends him flying. "A little help?" She chokes as a man in all black crushes her neck I slash the dagger out of my boot and it beam it at the man he crumbles down to his death. "Thanks" Rachel walks past me as I look at her path I see the moss covered caged and I bolt to it. "He's not in there?" Rachel walks past me and kicks the large bolder. "He's here" she looks back at me with hope gleaming in her eyes.

A shimmering button appears out of the rock and she pushes it, as the fake bolder slides separate ways I see him huddled near his chains. "Luke!" Rachel bolts to him and wraps herself around him. "Rachel.....?" He mumbles and I fall to my knees. "It's Rachel" she cries and he looks up at her. "Where's-" he stops and our eyes meet. "Luke!" I charge at him and embrace his hug.

"Where's dad?" Luke switches his eyes back to Rachel. "We haven't gotten him yet........he's next" Rachel's smile is long gone and we all silently stare at one another. We tare the chains off of him and get him a shirt as we walk out of the prison he was held in he elbows me with a devilish smile. "So what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into?" He laughs and I shake my head not being able to find the words to tell him.

"He fell in love half way killed the girl married her then knocked her up" Rachel blurts out and he gazes at me more serious. "So what are you doing here?" "That's what I asked too" my quick laugh skip through my breath. "Because we need our family together once again!" Rachel snaps and we all stop dead in our tracks. "Our mother is there because of us and our father is god knows where! Toby I would let you free to your wife if this situation wasn't serious" she explains and I nod.

"Well he has a child Rachel" "Not to mention Jonathan is training her" I add and sways his hand to me. "See that will just make the girl worse I don't even know the girl and I want him to leave" Luke exclaims and Rachel tosses her arms in the air in frustration. "Then go! Drag our family down once again!" She screams and her eyes get glassy.

"You know I won't do that" I feel the piercing pain in my throat and I hug her. "Just let me call her" Rachel moves and digs her phone out of her pocket. "Just once" she throws it to me and I dial Lily's number.

Lily's P.O.V.

Jackson pushes the tool against my stomach and spreads the goo like substance around my stomach. "So how is he?" I ask looking at the screen to my right with Becca and Meredith on both my sides. "Well good news is that the baby is healthy but the bad news.......well.......have you been under stress lately?" He stumbles on his words. "Yes I uh haven't heard from Toby in a few weeks and I've been worried" I admit and he nods.

"Trust me I've known him since he was born he will be fine" he smiles looking at the small baby. "Your baby has been growing at a massive rate so be careful.....I guess those movies were right" he hands me a towel and turns off the equipment. "Hello?" I hear Becca's voice and I look up at her. She is silent. "Becca who are you talking to?" I wonder and she furrows her eyebrows. "What are you talking abou-" Mirror by Bruno Mars and Lil Wayne blasts through my phone cutting her off she answers it for me.

"Hello?" She breathes heavily. "No she isn't sorry she won't be talking to you" she has the bitchy tone oh no who is it? "Just leave her alone Toby" she clicks the screen and I snatch it from her. "Why did you do that?" I look at it terrified. "He's not being honest I can tell he isn't" she walks out and I call him. Voicemail.

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