Chapter 5

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Chapter Five: Temptation

"So we have this Church dance tonight to celebrate the upcoming know make them feel welcome" Abby and I walk out of the large school with Peter somewhere with his friends. "Hey who's that?" I point at the red head glaring at me, smirking he walks next to Peter. "That's Derek.....Peter's best friend" she grins as they get in his car she takes my arm and we jog over surprisingly not breaking our heels.

"Hey Peter can we ride with you?" Abby looks at him with her wide green puppy eyes. It reminds me of Becca. "Sure why not" Peter smiles cutely. "I'll sit in back with Derek and Kaden" Abby chimes and my eyes meet Peters. "I guess your stuck with me" he winks at me and I buckle myself inside.

As we drive out of the school parking lot the guys start talking to Abby who is in the back babbling about something, Peter turns the radio up and I start to think. I still love him. Why did I ever leave? I'm not meant to be with people who don't know anything about me, they can't know or else I'll be hunted down for what I am.....God Becca and Meredith would be so helpful right now

I whip out my phone and start to type a message to Becca and Meredith but there is no signal. Huh. I need to go back to Gotland I need to see Jackson and Jonathan and the rest.

"So you fitting in well? I mean it seems you are but I never know" Peter asks as I look over at him his eyes turn a deep sea green, his eyes are blue...

"Well....I guess you can say I fit in somehow"

"Have you heard of this place in's this quaint town, or so I've heard, it's uh..." He snaps his fingers trying to remember.

"Gotland! That's it! Gotland.....have you heard of that town? I mean since you are from there" He smiles widely and my eyes widen.

"How did you-" "Pete we have to go to Carrie's party!" Kaden screams and I scoot closer to the door. "Fine fine......." Peter takes a hard left turn and within seconds we are in the driveway of a huge house. More like a mansion. The white shell of the house is gray because of the darkness but you can still see the golden trim on the corners and the window sills. Damn this girl must have a lot of money.

"I guess we are going to a party" Peter unbuckles himself last as we both get out of the car I sigh. The trees sway back and forth as I concentrate the wind blows harder, I feel someone take my hand and I open to see Peter. His eyes dark green again.

"You're different" he wipes his hair away from his tan skin. "Yes..." The wind stops. It's silent. "Come on Pete! Let's go!" Derek shouts over the thumping of the loud music that awaits inside. "Let's go" he tilts his head towards the house and I bite my lip. How?

Meredith's P.O.V.

The shaking within me makes me leap from the bed. "I wonder what it's like to live in a place like this" Lily wonders and suddenly I can see what she can. "Yeah when I was like ten then I remembered Abby and I were living in a trailer" the cute brunette smiles at her and they walk inside the floor rattling music shaking house. Holy shit this is like a mansion! " what's wrong?" Jackson soothingly rubs my back.

It slowly fades away and all I can see is the light creeping in through the door. Damn it! "Hon..?" He kisses my shoulder and my eyes clear up. "I need to call someone" I whisper as I slide out of the bed and make my way through the hall and to the kitchen. I grab the house phone and shiver as I pull part of Jacksons gray long sleeve back onto my shoulders someone walks down the hall. Looking back in fear of seeing someone of the council relief runs through me to see Becca rubbing her eyes.

"Did you feel that? Did you see it?" I question as Becca leans over the counter I walk to the fridge. "Red or white?" Pulling out the two different bottles she points at the red. "Pig or cow?" Setting the red aside on the counter she smiles. "How dare you hurt piglet! Burger me!" She points at me half asleep. Becca grabs two square like glasses from the cabinet near the stove and I pour the red wine inside hers and she opens the container, pouring the cows blood inside she slurps her mixed drink down.

"I don't know what has gotten into her" Becca rubs her forehead in frustration. "Well Toby is gone so we can't blame her for wanting another companion" I gulp the mixed drink down, as something hits me like bricks I hear the door open. It's a car. Jonathan. "Jonathan is here" I whisper. "What? How did you-" Becca is interrupted by the front door of the house opening.

"I need back up" he is breathless. "What's wrong?" Becca asks and the shaking emerges inside me once again. I Know You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift plays loudly through the speakers of the dance floor. "Do you want a drink?" The same guy pours some alcohol into a red solo cup and sips it. "Say no damn it say no!" I slap my hand against the island.

"Sure" Lily pours herself a drink and swallows it all too quickly. Ah! Vodka. "Wow! drink much-" "we need to talk" she interrupts him and his face is blank. "I'll be waiting upstairs" he sets his cup down and walks up the stairs. Lily walks through the crowd just to buy some time. She's gone. I'm back with Becca and Jonathan. "C'mon we have to go before Lily gets herself killed" I rush to the car and they get inside. "Meredith you are our tracker okay?" Jonathan demands and I nod. "Got it" I answer as I lean back I am in her head again.

Lily's P.O.V.

I push through the dancing people of the crowd and make my way up the open stairs. People laugh, talk, and just make out. I have a feeling Peter is willing to spill what he knows, I reach the second floor and I see Peter looking out the large bay window. Sitting next to him on the bed I see the large river behind the house. "I can change what people say" he mumbles.

"What?" I question.

"I can change what people say.....earlier today......I know what Mike tried to do....Abby doesn't know you are the girl her tried to rape..I do" Peter removes his eyes from the view and looks back to me. "I just didn't want her to find out.....not now..I can hear peoples thoughts and change what they say by thinking of it" he admits and I nod. "I can control the four elements" I lift up my hand and close my eyes, water splashes into my hands and my eyes pop open.

"See?" I swish the water around hovering above my hands. He watches in complete awe. "It's something we can do......I mean not all of us....." He smiles at me as he reaches out his hands he faces my palms and slowly puts them together. Mist blows out of my hands and our eyes meet.

"You're a metá?" Peter sits closely next to me. "'re a hybrid?" Looking away I watch the waves of the large river. "Yeah" he mumbles. "Lily?" He asks as I focus my attention towards him. Now closer to me I can feel the wanting in both of us to kiss, he leans in and I close my eyes. Our lips touch and I pull away, shock running inside me I stand. "I can't- I have to- you know- go" I stammer but as I prepare to leave I feel something force me to stay.

"Peter....-" as I turn the warmth of his lips comfort mine. Pulling me towards him he firmly grabs my arms and I wrap them around his neck. As we both back up he swings his long arms behind me and lifts me up onto the desk, passionately kissing me I feel a disturbance inside my stomach. Rumbling pain soars across my belly and the warmth of his skin is turned to the warmth of his blood.

"We need to stop....." I push him away and he looks at me stunned. "Are you..?" I nod as he comes closer to me I tremble not wanting him to touch me afraid if what I might do.

"I'm not's okay to.....bite" he slides his hands onto my neck and I close my eyes. "hey look at me" his warmth is hypnotizing. I open my eyes and direct them to Peter.

"It's alright's okay...just bi-" Before I can get close I hear the door slam wide open.

"Lily don't!" Someone shouts.

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