Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight: The Sadness of Being One of Us

I slap the king of hearts card down on the tray and Meredith hands me hers. "Do you have an eight?" she squirts her eyes at me seriously. "Ugh! Goldfish" I hand her my eight and she grins.

"Okay so Toby is with Nathan and Becca until I can call Oliver" Jackson walks into the room with a cup holder of iced coffee and a box of munchkins. "Who's Oliver?" Meredith asks scooping the cards together clearing the tray for the food.

"Jonathan's father" he sets it down and kisses her head then walks over to the hotel phone and dials a number. "when do you think I can see him?" Sipping my coffee I eagerly look at Jackson. "Today, I have to check on him to see what it is that made him attack you just by touching you" Jackson answers and I nod.

"Lily do you think you could tell me what happened? You know.....with Liam?" Meredith takes my hand but I pull away.

"They took him out of me....I woke up to him screaming and I couldn't help him..they had tied me down and cut me open" I want to cry but I hold it in. "Is that why you jumped?" Meredith attentively glares at me her dark red eyes swirling with a mellow emotion that dwells within her frozen soul.

"I felt the only glimmer of happiness that I had crush underneath my crumbling world that had been caving around me for so long but I ignored it saying that I would be fine as long as I could breathe but since the night I had lost my breath I have watched the structure of my life disappear and for each breath I had taken, each time I had prayed for my father, each time I had been made fun of for my hair a nail was broken and a board was shattered" Meredith is speechless but attentive.

"When I met you and Toby and Jackson, Nathan and Becca I felt the boards get nailed in again everything was healed. Now that my son is with the people who wanted me dead, my husband is fading away to somewhere I don't know, and a hybrid is after my family I feel that if I had the ability to breathe I wouldn't have the right"

The discomforting words fill their ears as Jackson hangs up the phone he walks over to me. "Lily how did you know she was a hybrid?"
He notices the error in my speech. "I don't know" I realize that I have found another clue. "Okay you guys we have to go now or else someone may find out we are here" Jackson zooms through the room packing our bags and cleaning the mess we all made.

"Meredith get Lily to the car, try to disguise yourselves" Jackson rushes out the door with his bags in his arms. Meredith pulls me to the bathroom and pulls my hair into a messy bun and shoves a black Neff hat on, coloring my eyebrows black she hands me contact lenses and puts her own in.

My deep purple eyes turn green and I am handed a pair of black skinny jeans and a bright green tank top, the both of us change into our new clothes I look at myself. As Meredith looks at me through the mirror while plucking on a pair of earrings. "Hey everything will be alright....we're gonna help you rebuild you're world" she smiles at me which makes me smirk. I open my arms and she hugs me.

"Okay one last thing" Jackson says as I turn around to see what he has I glance at the wheelchair in front of him. "Oh come on" I complain. "Hey they could come here any minute" he looks at me with his longish hair in a ponytail and a chauffeur hat on his head. I plant myself in the wheelchair and Meredith hooks the IV in my arm, as she grabs our bags Jackson pecks her cheek.

"You ready my cancer sister?" Meredith starts to wheel me out and as she closes the door I feel the presence of three people. "Did you feel that?" Looking towards her she nods. "Let's go" she whispers and she wheels me down the hall our bags tailing behind us she pokes the elevator button and we crowd inside.

Metal scraping down we listen to Snow Patrols song Signal Fire, the door opens to the lobby and the feeling becomes stronger. "Steph I don't care what you say Taylor Lautner is way hotter then Robert Pattinson" Meredith acts while we walk past the group of dark cloaked people. "You will never know how wrong you are" As I play along Meredith drops her wallet on the ground but keeps walking.
Jonathan stops dead and smiles, jogging to the wallet he shuffles it into his hand and runs towards us. "Uh...excuse me you dropped this" he hands it to Meredith and she grins. "Oh thank you" she thanks him and as he starts to walk away something stops him.

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