Chapter 3 Part 2

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Chapter Three Part Two: Forced To Become

Counting Stars by One Republic hushes through the car speakers, I take a left turn and I'm at the train station. It looks like this place has been run down forever. I see the man with red hair standing at the stairs, I click the car door open and walk to him my coat warms me when the wind blows. "Ah Mrs. Gange happy to see you on time" he grins and I nod. "What's your name?" I step down with him and he looks down at his path.

"Stafier" (pronounced St-ah-fee-air) he mumbles while we reach the end of the stairs. Jerked forward a prickly rope wraps around my wrists and I am blinded by the cloth jumping over my eyes, two men link my arms to theirs and pull me forward. "Lily-arh!" Jonathan screams and and his muffled screams are blocked. "Throw her gently she is carrying that precious monster" Draigin instructs and I am thrown off the edge of the platform, landing on the metal bars I grunt unable to help myself up I hear the horn of a train blow far. My dream!?

"Lily!" Jonathan yells as his boots hit the pebbles next to the bars he shuffles me into his arms. "It's ok I got you...." Zap! Jonathan yelps in pain as the crackling of the taser subsides they drag him away from me. "You will stay with us in our.....home until that monster is born" Draigin demands and the shrieking bright light burns my eyes. "Do I make myself clear?" The gush of wind hits me cooling the fear. "Yes! Yes!" I shout and he chuckles.

As the train hauls it's way to me the speed of the train matches my heart beat, I tremble on the heating bars and I am lifted by what feels like Toby. "Where is he?" I ask as Jonathan unfolds the blindfold he looks at me with worry. "Jonathan you are always welcome to join-" "we need time give us two months or else you won't get the baby" Jonathan interrupts him with the cold tone.

"Are you demanding or requesting?" The man with the black hair softly whispers. "Requesting unless you want it to be a demand" Jonathan threatens and they nod. "You will have your time but that is it...after that we will have her"



I lay on the soft bed and feel myself unable to stop thinking of him. I want him here. Just bring him here please. I close my eyes and suddenly I'm back in his bed....back in California.....back with him......I'm in the only place I felt as a home. His fingers lightly stroke through my ghost white hair and I smile. "I keep making changes to the name" I whisper and his smooth lips peck my neck. "That's alright....." He wraps his arms around me and I groan in comfort.

"I can't stay away from you" he cups my small bump in his hand and a light flutter hits my belly. "Liam.." I open my eyes to see him smiling at me. "I don't think you will be changing the name now" he is now cradling me in his arms and his warmth makes me feel so much better.

"Why did you leave?" I sit up more serious now I stare at him from the back of my shoulder. "I can't-" "why? You can never tell me anything and we are married" I stand from the bed where he sits and turn now facing him the anger that has built up for him is now being set free without warning. "I just can't......" His face is screaming of sadness but I don't buy it. "Will you even be there for the birth of YOUR child? No because if you can't tell your wife anything then you can't be there for the birth of your child" I can feel the heat on my cheeks but I hide the sadness.

"If I could I would but-" "you can't" I interrupt him again. Silent tares through the words that were going to brush through Toby's lips. "I'm done Toby....." I slip the ring off of my finger and toss it onto my bed, he jolts himself to where it is to catch it. "I don't want to see you again......this child will be given to the people who want please....just get out" I feel my throat tighten up but I force myself to say these spiked covered words.

"Lily please-" "No!.......get out" I slowly close my eyes so I won't have to see him this way. His hand caresses my stomach and his cold lips touch the large scar he gave me the night I became "Te amo Lilium" he brings the anger with him and now I feel the emptiness and hurt slam onto me like a bag of bricks.

I feel myself jump in my place of the bed where I slept and feel the cold emptiness of where my ring was. It was real. Tears pour out of my eyes and I cry. It had to be done. The unbearable pain is too much for me. Liam kicks lightly and the tears don't stop.

Toby's P.O.V.

I jerk my eyes open and feel my bones relax themselves as I gaze at the bright moon everything in me breaks. Her warmth still on her ring but now on my finger I realize how real that was. She did leave me. And it is all my fault. I stand and walk slowly to the lake we are camped by. I huddle down on a large rock and start to wallow in my own sadness. Luke pats my back as he wisps the rings out of my hands and into his I look at him, tears still running down my cheeks.

He closes the hand that is holding the rings and swings his arm. Pluck! Pluck! The rings sink into the water and float away with the current. The silence of our words is covered by the trickling water but nothing could cover my astonishment. He smiles and pats my shoulder once more and walks back to his tent.

Oh Lily. If I could tell you what has been happening and if I was more careful about our marriage. This wouldn't be happening. I won't find anyone like you. And what about Liam? Who are you going to give him to? He needs you. You are his mother. What if you are giving him to them? You are sending him to his death.

Lily please hear me. I love you. I married you because I couldn't stand a minute away from you, and now you won't see me and our child is going to be given away. Lily please. If I can not be around you let Liam be around his mother.

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