Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten: The Discovery of Power

Toby's P.O.V.

"Hold still" Rachel holds a cold towel against my burns as I flinch Luke starts to pace. "What was I thinking?" I whisper trying to erase my memory of every time I drank from Lily. "Hey at least she can use her powers to defend herself" Rachel softly slides the cloth against my skin. "Wait let me get this straight-" Luke continues to pace trying to wrap his brain around something. "Our mother is with the Tepas? And so is your son? Our nephew and now Lily is poof out of our sight and into the wind with some hybrid?" His hand motions connect with his words.

"Luke how is that hard to understand?" Rachel looks back at him, the creaking wood of the attic makes us louder. "Luke stop pacing you're making the wood creak" Rachel stops Luke from pacing. Rachel's phone vibrates violently as it falls onto the floor she snatches it from the aged wood and taps through it. "It's Jonathan....Hello?" She answers it. " he isn't ready to hear that-" taking it away from her I hold the phone up to my ear. "Hear what?" Worried Jonathan sighs. "Toby the Tepas took Lily...they used Liam to get her" Jonathan's voice scratches against the speaker, I hand the phone to her as I sit down Rachel continues to talk to him. "It's going to be okay" Luke pats my back but I shake my head. "They have my wife, my son, and our doesn't look like it will be okay" I look into his deep green eyes.


Lily's P.O.V.

"I'm sure little Liam will be happy to meet you" Stafier gazes out the window with glee. "How is he?" I ask unbuckling from my seat. "Patience" Draigin's soft whisper made me anxious. "What do you want me to do here?" I ask as the question remains in my head the limo stops in front of the doorway which lead to the large castle like home of the place I never wanted to come back to.

"We want you to use your powers.....they will help us" Draigain opens the door as the last word is spoken one of many butlers they have opens the door for me. "This way Ms. Gange" the tall man gestures his hand to the door as I follow him into the building I feel the memories that haunted me for months come back like it never went away. "Jasmine darling!" Draigin calls to her as she appears from the hall in a black dress that matched her black hair. "Kindly show Lillian to her room..." He instructs her as she smiles widely she grabs my hand and before I realize it I am pulled away from the men and dragged down the hall.

"Jasmine!-" I try to get her attention as I stumble into the room that quickly matched a memory. "This is the-" "The room you and Toby stayed in when.....that thing happened...." She starts to whisper as a voice arises from the other side of the room Jasmines eyes pop open, she runs to an old crib that had a see through fabric hung over the opening. Lifting a baby boy out of the crib his snow white hair was short but visible, she walks towards me as she smiles at me I feel my heart beat rapidly. "Don't be nervous" she calmly hands Liam over to me.

He latches his tiny hands onto my shirt as his dark blue eyes meet mine I feel tears emerge, he smiles at me revealing his first tooth that was hidden by a thin layer of his gums. "He's so.......-" "Big" Jasmine snorts as she tosses the pillows from the end of the bed to the front. "Beautiful" I smile back at Liam feeling joy run through every part of my body. " are beautiful....yes you are" I grin at him speaking in a high voice. "Jasmine? How old is he?" I wonder gazing down at his chubby body his ability to hold up his own back amazes me.

"Well he is big enough and has grown enough to be a seven month old baby" Jasmine straightens the blanket as I make a weird face at Liam he giggles. "The refreshing sight of mother and son....reminds me of when I was a boy" Draigin's voice startles me as I turn my head to face him he is smiling. "Before you get too comfortable Mrs. Gange we will need you to perform your abilities to our needs" his dirty blonde hair had been cut since I last saw him but for his eyes they were still carving through my thoughts making it so I would feel different. As if I didn't already.

"Please..follow me" he turns around and walks as Jasmine lifts Liam from my arms I lean in and kiss his head, running to catch up to Draigin I drag behind him as he leads me to the large room where I first met him and the group. "Lillian you know of your powers and how can give and create but did you ever think you could do it in reverse?" As he steps onto the slab of marble that held the five seats I shake my head. "Well you can but you must concentrate ten times harder than you normally would when giving" Draigin flicks his fingers sending Stafier to me.

"Show her please" Draigin demands. Stafier holds my arm up as a man with brown hair is dragged into the room his arms chained to his body so he can't move. "Bring him here.....she needs practice" lifting the man up again and dropping him before me I look into his green eyes and feel pain and hunger. "Our kind are usually unable to do this but-" Stafier reads my face smiling like he had seen this before. "You can feel what he does can't you?" Unable to talk I turn my head and nod. " take away you must think as if he had nothing to lose have no remorse make it so he was the worst person alive and now" he lets go of me.

"He must pay" his whisper chills my entire body and without a thought I look at the man feeling the connection between us grow stronger as I lay my fingers into my palm and hold them there in a ball he starts to choke on his breath. "Josh Sawn you must pay for your crimes against the people you killed, the creatures amongst you, and The Council" he gargles on nothing but air trying to take a last and final breath but before he can I yank my hand back and he falls over without air or life.

"Well done my darling..." Draigin compliments as I gaze at his face I see the death and the emptiness of his pale porcelain skin but his face looked human, he was a man of the people he hunted our kind and others and it was his time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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