Beauty and the geek chapter 4

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" Owen asked looking down. He was playing with his hands. I took his chin and made him look at me.

"Of course Owen," I said, smiling gently. He leaned in and closed the space between our lips. His lips were soft, gentle and warm against mine. The best part was what I felt inside myself. It was like fireworks exploding. Our kiss continued and Owen wrapped his arms around my waist. In turn I moved my hands to his hair and clutched to him like if I let go he would vaporise and disappear. I wondered what he was thinking.


I kissed Paige and it was like nothing I had ever felt before. She tasted sweet. I wrapped my arms around her waist and her hands went to my hair. I never wanted to let her go, I never wanted to leave her. I pulled back and looked into her sapphire eyes. They shone like the gemstones they resembled. I smiled and she said, "Wow." I pulled her to me in a hug then and sat there talking for hours. She played with the necklace I gave her and looked at the gold inside. I sat against a tree with her laying against me and I had my arms wrapped around her waist. She turned the pendant on the necklace everyway and then she ran her thumb over the gold symbol. Then something really weird happened, the pendant started floating and glowing. The gold light illuminated Paige's face beautifully. She looked like an angel and for a moment I wondered if that was what I was holding in my arms. A figure came out of the pendant and formed as a woman. She reached out to Paige and stupidly, Paige took the hand. I let her go, enchanted by the light. "Paige, my dear, I can't believe you've found my necklace," The strange woman said. Paige obviously recognised the woman and hugged her, tears streaming down her face. "You know what to do my dear, if you need me all you have to do is call." Then the woman vanished. I quickly lept up and went over to a now crying Paige. "It was my grandmother," Was all she said as I wiped the tears from her cheeks. She looked up and hugged me tightly. "Thank you Owen, this is the greatest necklace ever."

"No problem, it was hers wasn't it?" I asked rubbing her back. I could feel her nod. "So what does this mean?"

"It means I'm royalty..." She said quietly. I looked her in the eyes and found that she was telling the truth.

"They can't take you from me," I said suddenly very sad at the thought.

"Nobody can if I want you with me," She said smiling. I kissed her and never wanted to let go again. I would have been happy to suffocate kissing her. I didn't care about the rest of the football season, I just cared about her. Only her.


After the whole thing with my grandmother and Owen, we decided to go back. I was still a little shaky so Owen kept an arm around my waist on the way back. He drove me home and Zach flipped when I told him what had happened. He was in shock and tried to find my Father. I decided it would be smart to take a shower and go to bed. I kind of just stood in the warm water and relaxed. I changed into a nice white nightgown and put on the necklace. Surprisingly it didn't remind me of my grandmother, but of Owen. I couldn't help but think of him when I looked down at it. I sat on the bed and ran my thumb over the pendant again. My Grandmother materialized for the second time today. "Hello again my dearest," She said smiling at me. Her wrinkles moved as her face did. "Hi Grandma, do you know where Father is?" She smiled and said, "Yes, he is at home in the castle. He would be wanting you to come soon."

"Oh boy."

"You don't want to go, do you dear?"

"No I want to stay here with Owen!" I lept up as I said this.

"Is that the boy you were with today?"


"Do you love him?"

"Well... I'm not sure yet, I've only known him a few weeks..."

"I think that's the only reason your Father would accept to let you stay."

"But I don't know yet! This isn't fair at all!"

"Yes but I can tell that Owen loves you. It's in the way he looks at you Paige." I smiled at the thought.

"You know it's not official now unless he says it."

"I know Darling, now it's late. Go to bed and I'll see you soon." She tucked me in and I fell asleep.

Sorry that it's so short... i just couldn't wait to post it!

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