Beauty and the Geek chapter 7

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"Owen?! Where have you been? Young man I am talking to you!" My mom started yelling when I got home. She proceeded to yell at me in german. I called Paige. She picked up and I said, "So uh, do you think I could crash at your place for a bit?"

"Sure," She said. She sounded excited.

"I'll be over soon."

I ran up to my room and my mom was still yelling. I grabbed three of my football dufflebags, washed and clean, and filled them with a lot of stuff. Shampoo, deodorant, clothes, shoes, a comb, soap, a pillow and a thin blanket. I also grabbed the stuff off of my dresser and when I was done about forty five minutes later, I looked around my room. I had one small bag left and I noticed the pictures on my bedside table. I picked up one I had taken of me and Paige when we went in the forest. There was also one of me and my dad playing catch and one of all my brothers and I tangled together after a big wrestling match. There was also one of me and my sister playing guitar together. The last one was one of Paige studying on her lawn. I took all the frames and filled the last bag. If you didn't notice one of my mom on the table, I have never seen one of us together and I'm glad for it. I dislike my mother very much. I don't even call her mom to her face. I call her by her first name, Meredith. I swear on my life that I will never name a child Meredith. Anyways I took all my bags and looked one last time at my bare room. I had gotten every poster and sock in the room and I continued to climb out my window. Halfway out the window I heard Meredith yelling outside my door. I got down from my second story window with help from the tree outside my window. I ran to my truck and threw the bags in the back and looked in time to see Meredith yelling on the porch. I quickly started the truck and drove off leaving everything I had there, behind.

When I pulled up to Paige's house Zach was sitting on the porch. He walked over and said, "Need some help?" I smiled and nodded. He grabbed two bags and I grabbed the other two. Zach was way less intimidating once I had gotten to know him. It turns out we are pretty similar. We both like the same kinds of movies and sports. "So kiddo, you can have the room in the basement, and you can stay as long as you want," Zach said. He actually reminded me a lot of one of my six older brothers, but mostly of Mitchell. "Thanks dude, You're saving my ass here." I said gratefully. He laughed and said, "Hey the rooms all yours... It's not like my dad comes around anymore." I thought... Where is their father anyways? I'd have to ask Paige... Zach and I dumped my stuff in the room and I started unpacking.. about twenty seconds later Paige came bounding down the stairs and into the room. "Hey! Zach says you're staying here!" She said. She was like a ten year old on Christmas. "Yes I am, and now you're stuck with me."


OWEN IS STAYING AT MY HOUSE?! My day just got so much better! I ran down and said, . "Hey! Zach says you're staying here!"

"Yes I am, and now you're stuck with me." He said.

"And I'm fine with that." I said smiling. He picked me up and kissed me on the lips. I was so happy already that this just made it better. He put me down eventually. "Wanna help me unpack?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed a bag. It had pictures in it... There was one of Owen and I in the forest, one of his dad and him and one of him and his brothers. There was one of his sister and the last one was of me. I hadn't know he kept this one and smiled... Owen saw what I was looking at and came behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "That's my second favourite." I smiled and put it on the table with the others. Then he said, "Paige, you know I really love you." Wow this was the first time he's said that to me. I spun around in his arms to face him. I looked up at him with tears welling up in my eyes and I said, "I love you too Owen." Then his lips came down and crushed mine. I had made out with Owen already a few times but this one felt different. He moved forward until I felt the edge of the bed behind my knees and I got a little nervous... I decided that I didn't care what happens next because I love Owen and we had already slept together. Owen pushed one last time and we fell onto the bed still kissing. My hands clutched his dark hair and he rolled over so I was on top of him. He slid his tongue along my bottom lip and I opened for him. He tasted like every other time but this time, a little sweeter.

Sorry it's so short! I could wait to post!!! So what do you think?! The next few chapters will be interesting because of the necklace but that's all im saying! :) Tell me what you think will happen next because id like to know :) Get ready for a twist

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