Beauty and the geek chpt 6 prt 2

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I waited patiently for Paige after class, and leaned against the locker by the classroom door. She came out with Monica, one of the cheerleaders. Sure Monica was pretty but not my type. I've never dated her but we have always been on good terms. "Hey Owen!" Monica said, smiling like always. I couldn't help but smile back, her happiness was contagious. "Hey Monica, hey Paige." I said looking down at her. She kissed me and we walked to math class together. The whole day was kind of a blur until after football practice, I saw one of the other guys flirting with her so I walked over to her and put my arm around her shoulders. "Are we going to have a problem here Damen?" I asked

"Not at all dude."

"Oh really? So you're not going to touch Paige again?"

"No promises Owen," Damen smirked and started to walk away.


One of the other football players came to me and said, "Were you admiring my amazing skills there beautiful?"

"From what I saw you dropped everything that came to you," I spat at him, not wanting him to be talking to me.

"Come on Princess, don't be like that," He said and started to wrap his arms around my waist. Only it wasn't the same as when Owen did it...

"Get off me you jerk, I have a boyfriend!" Then Owen walked over and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Are we going to have a problem here Damen?" He asked.

"Not at all dude."

"Oh really? So you're not going to touch Paige again?"

"No promises Owen," Damen smirked and started to walk away. That's when Owen went for him. Owen checked Damen to the ground and continued to punch him in the face two meters from where I was standing. I covered my mouth in shock and ran over to get my protective boyfriend off the poor child. "OWEN! STOP IT!" I screamed at him. He just kept punching him in the face. Damen hadn't bleeded yet so that's a good sign. "OWEN! LISTEN TO ME!" I screamed at him again and slowly pried him off Damen. I had to get him to a wall and held him there. "Owen calm down," I said.

"But the bastard touched you! I'll kill him!" He yelled and pulled off the wall a little. I didn't let him, instead I kissed him full on the lips so he would calm down. He did. I felt him relax under my lips and eventually his hands found my waist. I moved my hands to his hair and pushed him harder against the wall. He really didn't seem to mind until I pulled away and laughed a little. It didn't work very well because I was kind of breathless... "What's so funny?" Owen asked.

"Oh nothing..."

"No really Paige, what?"

"You're just so..."

"So what? What paige?"

"You cave way to easy." He just rolled his eyes and drove me home. He couldn't stay though. I got sad so I went into my room and started blasting AC/DC. Don't ask me why, I just do. A few hours later Owen called and I heard his mother screaming at him in some language that obviously was not English. "So uh, do you think I could crash at your place for a bit?" He asked. His mom was still yelling. "Sure," I said enthusiastically. "I'll be over soon." Then he logged off.

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