4 - Enter Zack - Battle on the Beach!

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Just before I begin, I want to apologise for last chapter. It was terrible! This chapter will be WAY better - I hope! Okay then, lets begin! 

Oh and, If you want to contribute any ideas or characters, gym leaders, pokemon or anything - please comment! I'm HUGELY open to ideas! I really want this story to be interactive!

And sorry for the long wait for the update!

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Enter Zack - Battle on the Beach!


'This Town is called Seastone city. It was built by the first settler's of Kalypsa who came from Hoenn. It's a pretty casual and laidback place - but there are some badass trainers here, so prepare to be challenged a lot!' Zack explains as he leads me, Maya and River through the city to the PokeCentre.

The City is quite nice. The air is filled with a salty scent always associated with the sea, and the atmosphere is joyful and alive with the sound of children playing on the beach at the south of the city. The buildings around us are made of chunky grey and blue stone bricks, and black slate for the roofs. This is obviously where the town gets it's name 'Seastone city'. In the north of the town I can see a large, grey L-shaped building fringed by terraces, and windows.

'What's that building?' I say, pointing to the large building.

'It's the Seastone Library. It holds every single book ever made. If you want to know something - go there.' Zack explains. I nod.

Soon enough, the Pokecentre - a large rectangular building with a pink roof - comes into view. We walk forward and enter through a pair of sliding glass doors. I am met by a large white room filled with tables, chairs, PC's in the corner, and a large desk holding futuristic machinery. Behind it stands a pink haired lady and a jolly looking Chansey - a large, fat, pink Pokemon with an egg on it's belly.

'Hello, trainers. How may I help you?' The pink-haired lady - Nurse Joy - says sweetly.

'Can you heal my Bulbasaur please!'I reply. I hold out my Pokeball contining Rose, and Joy takes it, and places it in a white tubular machine. It beeps loudly, and glows softly. After a few moments, Joy takes out my Pokeball and hands it back to me.

'Anything else?'' She says politely.

'Oh, yeah! Can you heal my Scyther. It's really wounded!' Says River, remembering her wounded Pokemon. Joy nods and puts the Pokeball in the machine. However, the machine glows a bright red colour and emits a low drone. Joy frowns slightly. She touches a panel attached to the top of the machine, and slides across the screen. An image pops up, and I regonise it's an image of Scyther. On it, there is a large red circle around the place where Scyther's Carapce is broken. 

'I'm extremely sorry, but I'm afraid your Scyther has been damaged to deeply for this machine to heal. He will need surgery. It's free, of course, like everything else here, but the surgery will take around...3 days. The wounds deep - the carapace will need careful surgery to repair it without infecting the cut.' Joy explains. River frowns glumly.

'Okay, then.' she says, with a depressed tone.

'I'll ask my assistant to begin surgery immediately. There's no signs or papers you need to form - the Goverment pays all insurance for the surgical procedures, all the medicine and staff and all that stuff. But I can't rush the surgery. It will take 3 days, maybe less if Scyther heals quickly.' Joy says. She takes Scyther's Pokeball, gives River a quick nod, and walks through a door at the edge of the Desk, and into a brightly lit hallway. Then she's gone, leaving me, Zack and Maya feeling sorry for River.

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