5 - The Berry Groves

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Okay :P Hi everyone! I know i havent updated in ages, but I've had some medical problems. i'm better now- but sorry for the UBER long wait. I know some of you readers are shy (Like me :) ) but PLEASE Vote and Comment because it's what keeps me writing! It would help so much!

Anyway, sorry for blabbering on! FYI, this chapter is going to sidetrack from the story slightly and introduce a new character! He will be vital in the storyline.

So, lets begin! :D



The Berry Groves


It's here that the Aipom's come to play, past the City walls and into the Berry Groves. I had read about it in the textbook Prof. Redwood had given me last time we met. I had specifically memorised the phrase in my head "Aipom's often migrate to areas that are fruitful and lush. This is because they are naturally addicted to Sitrus Berries, so most likely, heards of Aipom's will be found in a Sitrus Berry orchard"

I take a step over a fallen log, and enter what was known in my city as the Berry Groves. They had been planted eons back by the Pokemon Shaymin, who came here before transcending to Sinnoh. Shaymin had, according to the myths, used it's natural powers to bring forth acres of trees and natural habitats, earning it it's name - The Berry Groves. Because of this, the Goverment believe it's imperative to keep the Berry Groves safe and contained, to make sure vandals or hooligans don't damage the trees or do something worse. Not only that, but they also keep it secured as many Pokemon migrate here, meaning its a hotspot for trainer's to catch their first Pokemon.

That's what I am here for - I want to catch an Aipom.

Up ahead, the brow of the hill is covered with Berry Trees. Pidgey's flock overhead in a chorus of caws, swooping down on Spinaraks and Caterpie's for their lunch. Tauros' and Bouffalants roam the Grasslands; grazing on the lush grass along with the Miltanks and Ninetails'. Even the rare Dark or Ghost type, such as a Pawniard of Duskull, skim the trees in search for food or shelter.

I hike up the hill, leaving the City Path behind me. As I near the treeline, the Pokemon run away, afraid by human contact. It's not like I want any of them, though. I want an Aipom. As I reach the climax of the hill, I turn my head to see the sun blazing behind the skyline of the City. Kyoro City, in fact. The Berry Groves, where I am now, are just outside the City walls, down the short City Path and perched here, on the fields that cover the outer rim of the City.

Turning away, I take a quick scout of the land. No Aipom's. Prof. Redwood said they would probably be in the centre of the Berry Groves, consdering that that is the place where the distribution of Sitrus Berries is most concentrated.

I jump down the other side of the hill and make my way to the centre of the fields. My sister, Kaylee, came here three years back for her first Pokemon. I remember the day clearly.


I was eating breakfast, preparing to go to Trainer School, when Kaylee, my sister, burst through

the doors screaming 'I gotta Sylveon! I gotta Sylveon!' Me and Mum ran forward, and saw that cooped up in Kaylee's hand was a pristine Pokeball, still glowing slightly - a sign that the catch was fresh.

'Show me!' I had screamed. Kaylee smiled and released her Sylveon in a flash of light, showing me a four-legged Pink and White Pokemon, with various ribbons floating around her body and deep, jolly eyes. I ran forward to stroke it, but Kaylee was so protective she wouldn't let me close. She fed it some PokeFood, let me appreciate it some more, then headed of to the City Centre to show it off to her friends.

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