3 - The Jungle

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The Jungle


After a long cold night in the Temple, the daybreak brings glimmers of warmth. The golden light softly caresses the land and ignites the flying–types into a chorus of melodies. My eyes flutter open – and I first see a cascade of Pidgey’s swoop through the treetops and a gathering of Metapod’s lying idly by a tree. Something about this nature...it’s beautiful!

I quickly pull myself out of the dreary state of sleep and stand up. The morning sun – bright and glaring – reflected o the npond. I looked over the water’s edge and glimpsed the reflection of myself. My blonde hair is a mess and my face is caked in a fine layer of dirt. Yay...

I turn around to see Maya is still fast asleep, her chocolate hair covering her face. River is over in the side of the Courtyard, playing with Kipz.

‘Hey!’ I shout, and hurry over to River. Her Murkow coloured hair is messy, but still glossy and shiny. She looks up at me and smiles, ‘Hey.’  She says.

A few minutes later, Maya wakes up and gathers her belongings.  She releases Cinder out, and he runs around the Courtyard, blowing a few small Ember attacks as he does. Maya quickly flattens her clothes and pulls on her backpack. Inside are all our belonging – and we don’t have many. Some blankets, a water bottle and a pouch filled with berries that me and River foraged after my battle with Maya yesterday.  We also found a few dusty empty Pokeball’s lying around underneath a bush – so we took those as well.

‘Ready to leave, girls?’ Maya asks, with some cheeriness. I am happy too, I mean, this place is quite weird, it will be nice to go out into the jungle. We can pretend we’re on some pleasant stroll – not on a dangerous quest to find an ancient artefact.

With Rose resting in her Pokeball, Kipz running a few steps ahead of River and Cinder sitting calmly on Maya’s shoulder, we step out of this ancient temple and onto a worn path, leading deep into the Jungle.


For the first few minutes, nothing happens, thankfully. The sun is bright and shiny, filling me with happiness. Pokemon, mainly bug and flying types, are all unhostile and scamper about the jungle. The sky is a wondrous hue of baby blue, the clouds puffy and white, like pillows. It’s very warm, so we all roll our sleeves up and consistently drink from our water bottle. Thankfully, we have Kipz to refill our bottle with his water gun attack.

About ten minutes in, when the Temple is out of sight and the path is being crowded with Cheri Berry bushes and trees filled with Oran Berries and Chesto berries, a shadowy shape flits across the path.

River, who is walking at the front, jumps back in shock, and trips over a root. She lands on her butt.

‘Ow! What was that thing?’ She says; panic spreading across her face like wildfire.

‘Calm down’ I say reassuringly, ‘it’s probably just a Heracross or something, foraging for berries, nothing to be afraid of’

River nods, and although she is shaken up, she continues at the front.

However, the shadowy figure flits across the path again, this time slightly slower. Before it’s gone again, I can see it has a pale green skin and two long...blades, was it? I’m not sure.

‘Okay, this is scary. We’re being followed!’ Maya says, and she tightly clasps Cinder in her arms.

‘Kipz, prepare for battle...’ River says, shakily. Kipz nods and its joyful smile turns to a prepared grimace, its body prepared to leap. We all stop walking, and stand still, waiting for the shadowy figure to appear in front of us. I feel so useless, unable to contribute to this team since Rose is injured. I’m standing in the middle, Kipz at the front, his legs erect and posed. Cinder has also leapt of Maya’s arms and stands still, ready to release a searing Ember attack.

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