Chapter 7

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“Harry where are my pants?” I look around the floor frantically as he lies on the bed.

“Right here.” He holds them up.

I take the pants and put them on. This was the most humiliating experience of my life.

“Caroline are you okay?” he asks me.

“Yes. I just want to leave.” I tell him honestly.

“You seem nervous.” He sits up.

“What? No I’m not nervous. I just want to…to…go see Adam.” I lie.

“You sure?” he smirks.

“We can do something else if you want.” He winks.

“No. I really need to go.” I tell him and grab my bag and open his door to leave.

I sprint down the hall and out the dormitory. How is he acting so calm about this? That was so scary. He touched me where no one else has. Then acted as if it was nothing. I feel dirty, I need to shower and call my Dad. I want my car here.

“Hey Caroline.” I see Zoey coming towards me.

“Hey.” I try to act like I didn’t just have one of the most intimate experiences of my life with her boyfriend. Stay calm Caroline.

“I’m just going to see Harry if you know what I mean.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

Oh god what have I done. Harry’s her boyfriend not mine. He doesn’t even like me enough to break up with her.

“Have fun.” I walk away from her as fast as I can before she could see how flushed my cheeks were.

I get back to my dorm room and call my dad and he told me he would bring me my car on Friday. I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed and began writing my first frat party experience for my creative writing class. I put my head phones in and turned it up really loud.

I didn’t want to think. If I even tried to think about anything else other than this report I would remember. I didn’t want to. Harry is not mine and he never will be. I don’t even want to look at him again. I’ll just be sure to avoid him at all costs.




The next day in psychology I picked a new seat in the very front of the room farthest from the door.

When class ended I ran out before anyone could stop me.  This went on until Friday and I was getting used to getting there late enough to where I couldn’t talk to anyone and leaving the second class ended. My dad was bringing my car and he called me  a few minutes ago telling me he’d be here around 6 I told him that’d be great. He’s bringing Cheryl and we’re going to dinner. He also decided to inform me they’re bringing her son Ethan. Great I get to finally meet the famous Ethan.

He’s the same age as me but taking a year off of school. He needed the “break” from school because he wants to be a doctor and supposedly said he’ll have enough school ahead of him.

Sounds like a loser to me. But I was told I could bring Adam to dinner if I wanted.

I pull out my phone and text Adam to meet me for dinner at the bell tower.

It’s my last class of the day and I walk in to find Dean waiting for me.

“How’s your day going Caroline?” he asks me.

“Great. And yours?” I ask.

“Same. I’m taking Sutton out tonight.” He smiles.

“I’m really happy for you guys.” I tell him.

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