Chapter 15

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I’m sitting in the car with Jane on our way back to campus and she’s silent. She’s mad at me for not doing my “part” which is apparently why Ryan left and doesn’t want her back. I just agreed because that was easier than telling her what I really did.

I keep checking my phone in hopes that Harry will text me and say he misses me, or something along those lines. He didn’t really mean what he said did he? I mean how can you have a good time with Zoey? She sleeps with other guys but Harry can’t do the same with other girls. It’s so screwed up!

I want to know why he has to stay in this contract with her. Why for four months? Did he do something to her is that what it is? Because he should be able to break the contract, right? Ugh this whole thing frustrates me.

But it doesn’t matter what I do or say, how long I keep away from all my social networking, I won’t be able to get him out of my head.

He’s always there nagging at my every thought. How I get dressed in the morning. If Harry sees me today would he like this? Or when I’m posting an article on my class website. If Harry saw this would he like it? Even when I’m brushing my teeth I’m thinking, am I brushing my teeth attractively?

I hate sounding like a whiney teenage girl that just had her first break up. But this feeling is something I have no control over. I have no control over him.

“Goodbye Caroline.” Jane breaks me from my thoughts. I look around and notice that we are indeed here.

“Jane look.” I huff. “I’m sorry about what happened tonight. But they say everything happens for a reason right?” I smile trying to lighten the blow.

“No Caroline this happened because you were incapable of doing one simple thing I asked you to do. Now I’ve lost my soul mate so thank you for ruining my life.”

“Being a little dramatic aren’t we?” I mumble opening the car door.

“Thanks for the ride.” I wave.




“Hey girly how’d it go with Jane?” Sutton asks looking up from her magazine.

“Terrible but I don’t want to talk about it. If that’s okay with you.” I laugh.

“Well then I’ll just say I’m sorry that you’re going to have to spend the rest of your Saturday night with me.” She lightens the mood.

“It’s exciting!” I say sarcastically.

“Well what shall we do?” she grins.

“Sleep.” I throw my bag on my bed and walk into our closet.

“What? Sleep? No!” she yells.

I remove my shirt and throw on a t-shirt and some comfy pajama shorts. As I’m putting on some warm socks I hear a song begin playing.

“Come on girl and get out here, I want to dance!”

She turns it up as I walk out and she’s swaying her hips and spinning in circles.

“What is this? I like it.” I ask as the woman sings out the chorus.

“It’s called 100 days, 100 nights. And I love it! I got her CD when I was 13 and me and my friends would listen to this song and have dance parties in my room.” She laughs and grabs my arms.

She mouths out the last few words of the songs and I laugh. She jumps on her bed and puts her hand up to her mouth like a microphone and points out to the crowd as if she was on a stage.

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