Chapter 1

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Caroline's POV:

This drive has been excruciating. My Mom's sitting in the front seat with her fake "I'm happy for you" smile, while my Father is driving not taking his eyes off the road. I told them Adam and I could have drove on our own to the University but they insisted on dropping me off together. They're divorced and have only been for about a year and a half now. My dad met another woman, Cheryl; she is exactly like you would think. A blonde bombshell 12 years younger than my dad, she works with him in his firm. He's a Lawyer same as my mom. They work in the same firm in all. My poor mother sees them every day together; it was already bad enough that he left her for another woman, but that that woman works in the firm to just tops it all off.

Adam is my best friend, I moved to North Carolina when I was 8. I was alone and knew no one. He was my first friend and he stuck with me through all of middle and high school. I didn't have that many friends because I cared more about my education. I missed my friends back home in Virginia; I didn't want to make any new ones. Adam was the one who had to give me that push to meet new people.

We've had to make three stops so far for my mom to use the bathroom. My dad used to make sarcastic remarks before the divorce when we took trips. But if he even tried to now my mom would lose it. She's kept it together this far and we only have about 45 more minutes until we get to the University. My dad stops at a gas station for gas while my mom runs in to use the restroom.

Adam turns to me and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Well hey at least they aren't at each other's throats yet."

I laugh. "Yeah well you did say yet."

"It's better this way though."

"How?" I ask. How can this be better? One wrong thing said and my mom will snap. Or if he even looks in her general direction she'll go off. This is in no way better.

"Well..." he said with a sly smile.

"If it was just us driving to the University you would sing awful pop songs the whole time. I would get no sleep." He starts laughing.

"Shut up. You know you love it." I stick my tongue out at him playfully. His blue eyes light up. I love watching him talk about things that interest him for that reason. He has these captivating blue eyes, the kind you can stare at for hours. He also has dark shaggy hair. He's very attractive, throughout high school everyone was always trying to get with him. Or make up an excuse just to hang out with him. He played lacrosse which definitely helped with his popularity. I had the biggest crush on him for years. But he's always been Adam my best friend; he could never be Adam my boyfriend. I learned this pretty early on. I'm not his type anyway, Adam loves blondes and he would get them all the time. He's been with just about every girl at our high school. I had only ever had 3 boyfriends. But only 2 of them were pretty serious. In the end it all came down to sex, if you're not ready they are okay with it for a short time, then a couple weeks go by and they bring it up again. Same answer, no, of course and they eventually got fed up and left. I don't blame them though. They should be with someone confident in there body and will have sex with them because they loved them. I can't say I ever truly loved any of them. But I didn't need them, I had Adam. He was always there for me. If I wanted to cuddle he was there, or if I was ever curious about sex he would tell me about his experiences. This never helped me though just made me even more nervous. Like was it going to hurt? What if I don't love the person I do it with? I had so many questions with no answers. I couldn't ask Adam these questions because he was a guy. I don't have a best girlfriend, or a girl that's my friend at all really. Just thinking about this makes my face flush. So I decide I'm going to try to sleep.

I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to hearing my name called.

"Car.." Adam whispers.

"Car. Wake up. Caroline. Come on get up we're here." He speaks a little louder this time.

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