My brother friends

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Bella~ my bother called me to his friends which was the day off for me.  His friends name was Jung taekwoon (Leo) and Hyuk who was looking me up and down. My dear bother was eyeing him like don't you dare. I then giggle on how my bother is so overprotective of me. Leo then said"you are Nick's little sister?"I then nodded suddenly felt Leo hugging me.😳 I was in complete shock when he did that. My brother literally pulled me away Leo grasp. Leo then walked back saying " your sister smell good." My brother was about to pounce on Leo for how he touch me. I tried to pull him back with the help of Hyuk oppa."He just hug me just hug nothing else happen" I told him. This is how man are. Hey hyung not all man are like that you know. They are not like Leo hyung just did."said Hyuk, My brother said sweetly * I know that can her brother protect her or not?" "Thank for protecting me oppa but I'm grown women. I don't mind if you still want to protect me."I said my brother he then nodded
My phone rang so I went to go pick it up. When I was about to answer the phone. I bumped in to Himchan. He was surprise to see me by the corner of VIXX dressing room. I said to Himchan oppa " why you doing here by any chance?" I'm here meeting my brothers friends that's why you see me next to VIXX dressing room."  Holding with care I felt another hand held by jongup. They took back to their dorm building.  Soon after my brother was pounding the door of the BAP dorm room. Himchan and Jongup in funny adorable way approach the door. With me behind them open seeing them holding both of my hands in the air.  They said in unison "please let us date her we care for you sister a great deal." Then formally bow to him like he was their grandparents. Brother cooled down a bit and said" just this once because you work with my sister."  All a sudden Himchan gave my hickey on the left side of my neck. As well as  front left corner Jongup  gave a hickey on my right side of my neck. Put one one more on my right side of my neck. I never knew that I will have to hickeys from two men.

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