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Daehyun~ hey nunna's it's me, I am in complete shock over Jongup hyung sudden burst. What happened to I don't want to ruin my image? I am not overly mad because it's life and it's going to happen. I just thought it was going to be me. I went to get some drink near Bella's favorite spot. She just drank one beer, because she had work with us tomorrow. She knew I was getting jealous of strange guys hitting on her. Who wouldn't be jealous with her hot body like her. Oh my god she is like greek goddess to me. I hope this won't let her think of leaving. I don't want her to get blamed for it. They should be blaming Jongup hyung sudden out burst of confession. Himchan knew long time ago that he truly loved her. I gave Himchan hyung the drag glare. Saying "you shouldn't have told me before I dated bella?!" He's just nodded and mouthed to me"It was long time ago when I was dating her."I knew this will pop up but I didn't want it to be today. I just hope people will give her some slack.

I don't want to be blamed for it because  it's not my life. I'm happy to be with daehyun oppa because he is a true gentleman. I just wish it didn't come to this much pressure on me.

~news break on smoopi~

Jongup from BAP has feeling for someone in his entertainment. He declares that she was meant to be with her. But she is taken with someone else.

~end news~

Now this has happen now people would be blaming me. I could see Joni going to practice when daehyun oppa wanted to go solo. I could scenes glare between Jongup and daehyun.

He been glaring at daehyun, the daehyun was glaring right back at Jongup oppa

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He been glaring at daehyun, the daehyun was glaring right back at Jongup oppa.

Himchan went to go to manager office to tell him he needs to fix this before BAP goes south

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Himchan went to go to manager office to tell him he needs to fix this before BAP goes south. I was on Himchan oppa side on this  because I want what best for them. The manager knew it wasn't my fault. He said he fix so it's does  seem that daehyun wasn't the guy he was referring to. Or Himchan either so I see the less fear in his eyes. My brother in his less stress day at work sent me. Some photos of his France where he been walking. It was raining but he didn't care because he really stress out. He sent me this saying don't stress out god is with you. Which is very true I love how he's they when he's not.

Forevermore [Jongup x Bella x Himchan]Where stories live. Discover now