BAP trying to get people in England into kpop. As well as to get to know.

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Bella~ I went to England where I was born and raised. Their singing teacher was teaching them English. Daehyun oppa surprise me when he grasp English so quickly.  When we walked out himchan oppa told the news that daehyung oppa is now dating me not him. We walked to their terminal to England daehyun just holding my hand like gentleman.He then whisper in husky voice in his attempt in English. " You think my engluish is sexy?" giggle and nod how bad he said engluish wrong. He knew why I was laughing so he just didn't talk he squeeze my hand little tight.

 He knew why I was laughing so he just didn't talk he squeeze my hand little tight

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I  walking behind me next youngjae and zelo he was hold my hand. So the camera won't be taking my picture. Yongjae said whisper to me and said"You picked the right hyung to protect you." Himchan then gave yongjae  the eye saying *can we not talk about this right  now* look in his eye.I smiled he knew I was grateful that he was there even if he can't be there.Dating an idol is hard but as long as you love each other is worth waiting for him.Now I think the white bunny isn't that bad after all seeing how naughty daehyung oppa is. I guess jongup isn't the only naughty guy in the band.Lets just say  daehyun as abs delicious chocolate with hint of mint. I was siting next to daehyun. He was holding my hand nibbling on my ears before the flight attend came.  I pinch his right leg saying *do you want to get caught* he then smirked he knew I like it but its was so wrong. I can't believe how naughty he can get like really I am not ready yet. Yongguk is like a father to me he then glared at daehyun like *you better not get her pregnant early are you be regretting later.* I have to sit with him for 10 hours god save my soul but I happy to be in love with me.

~ After 10 hours 50 minutes~  

We arrive to London no knew them but some people did know them.  We got out like  of airport  and went to the concert announcing  That we were kpop idol band and so on.

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