the last chapter

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"deep breath" jacob said as he held my hand tight as I continued to get painful contractions in the back of the ambulance. the hospital was atleast a 20 minute drive from the house, and there was an insane amount of traffic, but it's an ambulance so we could just zip past all the cars. "Ahhhhhhh" tears streamed down my face. "Your okay" jacob said rubbing my fore head, "I think she's going to have to have the baby in the ambulance" said one of the doctors. "THERES NO FUCKING WAY MY BABY IS GOING TO BE BORN IN A GOD DAMN AMBULANCE" I screeched, the doctors looked scared and so did jacob. "Ok, turn the sirens on boys" yelled one of the doctors, the ambulance sped up, and before I new it we were at the hospital, I was being pushed to a bedroom, as sharp pains happened every 15 seconds, jacob was holding on tight to my hand, as the doctors lifted me to another bed, they ran out and a doctor with a mask and coat came in he was calm he smiled at me. Holy he's hot. "hi I'll be delivering your baby's" he smirked. "Baby's?" choked jacob. "Your having twins" he smiled. "What?" I said almost about to pass out. "You didn't want to know the gender of the babies and we were okay with that maybe that's why you are confused" he giggled. "I was told I was having 1 baby" I cried, as I winced in pain, "I think your ready." The doctor peaked down as he pinned my dress up, "push" the doctor commanded,



I almost popped a vain I push so hard.

"I have him" the doctor smiled, "him?" I cried.

"Yes" he handed my baby to a doctor to be cleaned up.

"Next one, push!"





Fuck this hurts.

"I have her!" he smiled. I began to bawl my eyes out jacob was tearing up, he handed my baby to the doctor and they went to get cleaned up.

1 hour later...

I had my baby boy micheal in my arms, he had a little brown hair and hazel brown eyes, Jacob was holding emma, she had a little brown hair as well but bright blue eyes. he was crying as he held her tight.

"I love you my little girl, I'll protect you forever my sweet perfect princess" jacob hugged emma.

I looked up at jacob and grabbed his hand.

"I'm so lucky" he said through sobs as he squeezed my hand.

the end

thank you for reading our book, we appreciate all of you :)

should there be a sequel, where the kids have grown up? Another women involved? orrr man?

*wiggles eyebrows*


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