Chapter 12

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Giselle's POV
This party tonight was a great success,Ava fell asleep so I put her to bed, Leo had fallen asleep like 2 hours ago so all the kids went home and it turned out to be a adult party not a birthday party. But he enjoyed himself and that's all that matters. Michelle,Riley,Richelle,James,Eldon and Noah are crashing at mine, everyone else is going home. We are still partying till someone falls asleep, I quickly peck west on the lips and say thanks for tonight. Suddenly, the door opens and the person I never thought I would not expect walks through the door...
"Stephanie,what are you doing here?" Riley asks her.
"What I can't visit my boyfriend... James!" Stephanie says.
"What you talking about, he's Ri's boyfriend?" Richelle asks.
Riley's POV
Im so confused on why Stephanie just said that James is her boyfriend, she's probably just saying that to make west jealous.SLAP! It was just James falling on the couch probably pretending to be asleep, like he does to get himself out of trouble, he does it all the time.
"He is though, even ask him when he's awake,"Stephanie practically yells now getting annoyed that no one believes her.Emily looks at me and I just burst into tears. Emily runs over and gives me a massive hug which actually helps.Stephanie used to be one of my best friends and now she's not even my friend.James 'wakes up' at that exact moment and Emily just shouts at the top of her lungs,
"Is it true, well,"
"Is what true, I just woke up, I didn't hear anything."
James' POV
I actually was awake and did hear everything but I can't let anyone know that.
"That you cheated on Riley with Stephanie?" Eldon shouts.
"Yes," I mutter which makes Riley cry even harder.
Whispers of,"how could you," or," why James," or, "why would you do that to Riley."
I walk out with Stephanie and don't turn back.
Stephanie's POV
I don't feel bad for them especially Riley, she deceived it! Big time!! 😶
James is mine now. No ones going to take him from me. My James. Ugh, I sound like Beth.
A/N hope you liked chapter 12, let me know what you think.😘

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