Chapter 14

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James' POV
She replies, "to tell you I'm married,"
I let her in the house and she explains everything after Stephanie broke up with Charlie.I'm going to take you back a few years before all this happened. Okay so west walked into studio-B to find Stephanie and Charlie kissing which broke his heart, Stephanie and Charlie dated for about 3 weeks and right before internationals she broke up with him, he was heartbroken because he loved Stephanie with all his heart but he knew he had to do what was best for Stephanie, he went into studio-b where Beth was and he told her what happened, Beth was helping him get over it and a few days after he kissed Beth they became a couple and then last year they got married.
She also said that Charlie didn't want anyone from the next step to come because wherever they go there's drama which is so not true. When she finally leaves, Stephanie goes to the mall with two girls who are called Hannah and Abi. Abi is in B-troupe and Hannah is from her school.
There's something I really need to tell Stephanie when she comes back home and it's about Riley
A few hours later
Stephanie walks through the door with about 10 bags.
"Hey James, can you help me there's a couple more bags in the car," she asks.
"No I'm watching a film," I reply.
"James switch it off and come and help." She demands.
"Listen Beth-I mean stepha-" I say before i was rudely cut off.
"Why did you call me Beth." She asks.
"because your acting like her. Your really rude and it's like you don't have a care in the world. Anyway what I was trying to say before I got rudely cut of is that it was wrong what I did to Riley, and I'm breaking up with you so get out go to Hannah's or Abi's house. So see ya." I say waving goodbye and pointing to the door. She starts crying and packing her stuff but I don't care. A few hours later,Stephanie finally leaves, and I decide to go over to Riley's house and tell her what's happened between me and Stephanie. I jump in the car, start the engine and drive to her house she's sharing with Richelle and Noah. When I arrive, I get out of the car and I knock on the door and surprisingly Riley answers. When she see's me she rolls her eyes but I'm not surprised, I ask her to let me in so I can explain and she lets me in.
"Listen Riley, let me explain please?" I ask.
"Okay go on," she mumbles.
"Let me take you back a few years ago when West and Stephanie were together, one day west walked into studio-B to find Stephanie and Charlie kissing, then Stephanie broke up with West to be with Charlie, then they broke up and Charlie got with Beth and they got married last year, and a few month ago Stephanie kissed me but I couldn't say no or break up with you, but before I broke up with Stephanie because I felt really really really bad for what I did and I missed you like crazy! Will you take me back, listen Riley. I love you." I tell her.
"I love you too, anyway we need to go shopping for a bridesmaid dress seen as the dog wrecked it," she says.
"So that's a yes," i reply.
"Yes," she says.
I'm so happy Riles is mine again. 💞😘
We go shopping and find her bridesmaid dress⬇️

 💞😘We go shopping and find her bridesmaid dress⬇️

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This is what all the bridesmaids are wearing.
Richelle's POV 
So tomorrow is my wedding and I'm so nervous because want everything to be perfect. I got my dress on Saturday and new make-up, plus I know what hairstyle I want.⬇️

This is going to be the best wedding ever

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This is going to be the best wedding ever.
Noah's POV
I hope this wedding goes well tomorrow. I'm so nervous but I know it will go well. I got my suit on
Saturday along with the ushers and best man.⬇️

This is going to be awesome

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This is going to be awesome.
For now we both need a really good nights sleep.
A/N hope you like this a few more chapters left of the book. Let me know what you think of it.💞
Do you think the wedding is going to go to plan or is someone unexpected going to show up? Let me know what you think is going to happen💖

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