3|One Fight

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tripura1091 KP-Cheeku
Hope it'll compensate for the emotional part 😘

@everyone enjoy reading 👇


"Not now, papa." He whispered softly. His eyes weakened him; he was truly broken, he could not fathom why. There was a moment of disappointment, Raman straightened to leave. "I mean, just wait here, papa." Aditya stressed. How much that did relieve him, could not be expressed. His eyes brightened instantly, touching his waistcoat to rub off the weariness, looking everywhere but him, he chuckled; he was never this happy! Could there be a possible scenario ever happened where a man would have to seek his son's permission to meet his wife? It would not be delightful, he realized. Wait, wife?

While sitting in the bed, exhausted, she could not help dread everything. There was Abhimanyu, taking care of her, caressing her head, making her have some water, talking sweet things to sooth her, but she was scared. Where was her son?! "Adi? Adi! Adi, where are you? Adi!" Panicked, she cried out for him, and he had rushed in with Raman close behind. He did not dare step inside the bedroom but look on; uninvited. The other man was trying to control her but she had her hands tightly clutching a pillow as she curled back to the headrest, screaming for Aditya.

"Ishima, Ishima, I'm here. Calm down, I'm here na. Shush, nothing... Everything's alright, okay?" He hugged her; her teary face hidden in his chest as she crushed him tight. She could not understand what got on her that scared her like this. Was it Abhimanyu's presence inside her bedroom when she was alone? Or was it just the absence of her son? Whatever the reason may, her heart was hammering; she could not comprehend this feeling where she felt safe only with Aditya. Everyone else seemed fake; she could not trust them; she would not trust them!

"I feel horrible. What's happening to me, Adi?" Her eyes susceptibly searched for answers. She was traumatized; she knew but could not twig her own state. "You're perfectly alright, Ishimaaa..." He smiled, wiping the streaks of tears off her cheeks, before hugging her again. "You're safe. Main hoon na," He promised; the way she breathed respite, made him smile contented. He could make her feel light for the time being. "It'd be overwhelming. Not now, please." He mumbled glancing inside the bedroom to see her sleeping, despairingly; he could not stand the broken look of his father as well. He was stuck; he loved both, he could not help but cry inside while playing the strong out.

"I still don't understand what went wrong in a daybreak Ishu's been acting like this!" Their heads shot at Abhimanyu. He had a cup of tea in his hold, two on the small table, inviting them. There was no trace of emotions on Raman, and Abhimanyu seemed as cold as he was when he faced him. "Something just...happened in the party. A guess." He narrowed his eyes at Raman who instantly looked down. "I hope you haven't hurt her again, Raman." There was no answers but a vacant look that spoke volumes. "I knew it." He gritted. "What else I'd expect from you!" He grated bitterly.

"Thanks for taking care of my Ishima all these years, Mani uncle." Aditya quipped in, showing gratitude. Meaning shouting on the front as Abhimanyu looked on baffled at the way he indirectly asked him to fuck off from his family matters. This boy is indeed Ishita's, he smiled meekly. "I'm sad about her being away from me, but, I would've stayed happier if I already knew this's going to happen with her when she comes back; I'd have wished her be away from me, from all these, crap!" He sighed. "This's totally uncalled-for. My Ishima could've been emotionally safe if she's never come back." He regretted, as if it was all because of him, even so his eyes were burning hole on Raman.

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