7|One Just

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She would fathom his hurt, but not his perverse decisions! "I frustrated you until few days ago, Raman. How'd I digest this drastic change you claims to have been never a change?" She was right. Trance, he beheld how she was clutching his shirt, firmer to hold herself together. "You can't be angry on me for leaving you; because you made it clear you no more want me that day. I still am saying same things to see if there's something I've missed, something that would let me sooth you. I...I hate hurting you this much..." Whispering, her arms moved across his rigid chest, nuzzling his neck as her tears moistened his cold skin. "I am a bad mother that I...I didn't even think about my kids. I hate the fact that I love you that much; beyond everything and your words left me lifeless, Raman."

"I'm sorry..." He did not want to cry. When she returned, he truly did not want her to see him crying at all. The mask of dealing with everything with the power he own in his character, he had made sure he was taunting her every moment they caught each other's sight. Why was he angry? Right her words were; he does not have the rights to be angry on her if she left him. She left him because he made it vivid a life with her is pathetic, straight on the face. "I never meant to hurt you..." She would not believe that but it was the reality. An upsurge of emotions would calm him down; it was the same seven years ago, but without realizing the damage his tongue did to her, beyond repair; she did not wait for his apology.

Being left alone was suffocating, once again. There was everyone, everything, but her, and Ruhi. A room that was enormous could not contain his flapping emotions within. He would break things, drink until he passes out, or shrink to a corner staring at the bed where he used to relieve all his worries, pain, and frustration in someone's arms, which lied vacant. He has not even slept for years...! He would lose his sense at times though; the smile and words left him was of her, for her, trusting she could feel them. The distrust on people who told him she died, dislike on people who took advantage of his aloofness, distress when people stopped loving him, life would not be any more wretched.

"You don't know how much hurt I am." He grumbled, crushing her in a hug that forced a gasp from her, as she tiptoed a little to keep her head on his shoulder. "I was so a-lone..." His lips pressed in her hair, weaving his fingers through, she giving no trace of detestation when she gript on. "I've no one with me whom I love. Not you, not Rooh, not even Adi. Everyone just...tolerates me." Those tears that caressed her cheek, as her lips brushed the stubble on his face; she closed her eyes, his, unintentionally nibbling her earlobe, the dangling earring touching past his jawline. She knows he is hurt, broken, retiring, and guilty. He trusted his emotions with her; that was a pride she took happiness in; it was still the same. He was still the same! She could overlook every single thing, but the woman living there. She would admit to her own fluttering heart that she was jealous; she still thought he was hers even when he said he does not want her anymore, because she did; she loved him even when she shouted she hates him.

"Shagun?" She sounded desperate to know. It was too much to confront after seven years of isolation from verity. That reckless rhythm her heart picked up when she saw him, not exactly. She was dying to touch him, caress his face, those lips having rudeness visible, him..., she could not hold back those now came rushing, at the end of her tither to feel him. When that woman appeared to be his wife, the stab it caused across her chest, she was still his and he moved on that trounced her. Her nails raked into his flesh, the pain on the back of his neck never giving her the satisfaction of hurting her when he moaned. "Don't." She gritted, as her sylphlike body was being hove harsh into the embrace.

"Sorry..." He sounded contrite, but she could hardly measure. It was husky, exactly the way he chuckled that night before pressing his lips on the crook of her curved up lips leading to that still got her floating. Would he do that today? No, he would not. She meant kiss!!! After all, they were not in good terms; she said she hates him; he admitted guilty for everything; the fact that they were in a passionate embrace, having his face finding solace in the cave of her neck could go to hell! That was not significant, right? It was not until she manages to breathe! "I don't know..." He mumbled trying his best to seem he was not nibbling her collarbone; he was not, seriously; he was just...talking in that uncomfortable position.

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